Thursday, June 12, 2008

Purple Cow: Very Good is BAD!

I bought this book when I visited Taipei last year. One best activity one could do in Taipei is to visit Chen Pin (Eslite) 24 hour bookstore, especially late night early morning, when all other activities cease, and you have this only place to go.

For me, visiting Eslite is not because there is nothing else i can do. I love reading, and I enjoy having the chance to be by myself latenight and to be able to find interactions at such wee hour. Me and the books.

Purple cow is a marketing and branding book, aims to transform one's business by Being Remarkable. I read through it once, before passing to Caesar and Ben, and I just got it back yesterday, and I decided to browse it through one more time.

For many who may not be in the field of marketing, branding, you may find this book irrelevant. But one thing I would like to share .. One slogan in the book says

"Very Good is BAD!" ... so no wonder everybody goes for Bad Boys. Yo !

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