Friday, November 7, 2008
Obama's Speech
BARACK OBAMA: Hello, Chicago.
If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.
It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen, by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different, that their voices could be that difference.
It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled. Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of individuals or a collection of red states and blue states.
We are, and always will be, the United States of America.
It's the answer that led those who've been told for so long by so many to be cynical and fearful and doubtful about what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.
It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this date in this election at this defining moment change has come to America.
A little bit earlier this evening, I received an extraordinarily gracious call from Senator McCain.
Senator McCain fought long and hard in this campaign. And he's fought even longer and harder for the country that he loves. He has endured sacrifices for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine. We are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader.
I congratulate him; I congratulate Governor Palin for all that they've achieved. And I look forward to working with them to renew this nation's promise in the months ahead.
I want to thank my partner in this journey, a man who campaigned from his heart, and spoke for the men and women he grew up with on the streets of Scranton...
... and rode with on the train home to Delaware, the vice president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden.
And I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last 16 years...
... the rock of our family, the love of my life, the nation's next first lady...
... Michelle Obama.
Sasha and Malia...
... I love you both more than you can imagine. And you have earned the new puppy that's coming with us...
... to the new White House.
And while she's no longer with us, I know my grandmother's watching, along with the family that made me who I am. I miss them tonight. I know that my debt to them is beyond measure.
To my sister Maya, my sister Alma, all my other brothers and sisters, thank you so much for all the support that you've given me. I am grateful to them.
And to my campaign manager, David Plouffe...
... the unsung hero of this campaign, who built the best -- the best political campaign, I think, in the history of the United States of America.
To my chief strategist David Axelrod...
... who's been a partner with me every step of the way. To the best campaign team ever assembled in the history of politics...
... you made this happen, and I am forever grateful for what you've sacrificed to get it done. But above all, I will never forget who this victory truly belongs to. It belongs to you. It belongs to you.
I was never the likeliest candidate for this office. We didn't start with much money or many endorsements. Our campaign was not hatched in the halls of Washington. It began in the backyards of Des Moines and the living rooms of Concord and the front porches of Charleston. It was built by working men and women who dug into what little savings they had to give $5 and $10 and $20 to the cause.
It grew strength from the young people who rejected the myth of their generation's apathy...
... who left their homes and their families for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep.
It drew strength from the not-so-young people who braved the bitter cold and scorching heat to knock on doors of perfect strangers, and from the millions of Americans who volunteered and organized and proved that more than two centuries later a government of the people, by the people, and for the people has not perished from the Earth.
This is your victory.
And I know you didn't do this just to win an election. And I know you didn't do it for me.
You did it because you understand the enormity of the task that lies ahead. For even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime -- two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century.
Even as we stand here tonight, we know there are brave Americans waking up in the deserts of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan to risk their lives for us.
There are mothers and fathers who will lie awake after the children fall asleep and wonder how they'll make the mortgage or pay their doctors' bills or save enough for their child's college education.
There's new energy to harness, new jobs to be created, new schools to build, and threats to meet, alliances to repair.
The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even in one term. But, America, I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there.
I promise you, we as a people will get there.
AUDIENCE: Yes we can! Yes we can! Yes we can!
OBAMA: There will be setbacks and false starts. There are many who won't agree with every decision or policy I make as president. And we know the government can't solve every problem.
But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face. I will listen to you, especially when we disagree. And, above all, I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation, the only way it's been done in America for 221 years -- block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand.
What began 21 months ago in the depths of winter cannot end on this autumn night.
This victory alone is not the change we seek. It is only the chance for us to make that change. And that cannot happen if we go back to the way things were.
It can't happen without you, without a new spirit of service, a new spirit of sacrifice.
So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism, of responsibility, where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves but each other.
Let us remember that, if this financial crisis taught us anything, it's that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers.
In this country, we rise or fall as one nation, as one people. Let's resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long.
Let's remember that it was a man from this state who first carried the banner of the Republican Party to the White House, a party founded on the values of self-reliance and individual liberty and national unity.
Those are values that we all share. And while the Democratic Party has won a great victory tonight, we do so with a measure of humility and determination to heal the divides that have held back our progress.
As Lincoln said to a nation far more divided than ours, we are not enemies but friends. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection.
And to those Americans whose support I have yet to earn, I may not have won your vote tonight, but I hear your voices. I need your help. And I will be your president, too.
And to all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces, to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of the world, our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand.
To those -- to those who would tear the world down: We will defeat you. To those who seek peace and security: We support you. And to all those who have wondered if America's beacon still burns as bright: Tonight we proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity and unyielding hope.
That's the true genius of America: that America can change. Our union can be perfected. What we've already achieved gives us hope for what we can and must achieve tomorrow.
This election had many firsts and many stories that will be told for generations. But one that's on my mind tonight's about a woman who cast her ballot in Atlanta. She's a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard in this election except for one thing: Ann Nixon Cooper is 106 years old.
She was born just a generation past slavery; a time when there were no cars on the road or planes in the sky; when someone like her couldn't vote for two reasons -- because she was a woman and because of the color of her skin.
And tonight, I think about all that she's seen throughout her century in America -- the heartache and the hope; the struggle and the progress; the times we were told that we can't, and the people who pressed on with that American creed: Yes we can.
At a time when women's voices were silenced and their hopes dismissed, she lived to see them stand up and speak out and reach for the ballot. Yes we can.
When there was despair in the dust bowl and depression across the land, she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal, new jobs, a new sense of common purpose. Yes we can.
AUDIENCE: Yes we can.
OBAMA: When the bombs fell on our harbor and tyranny threatened the world, she was there to witness a generation rise to greatness and a democracy was saved. Yes we can.
AUDIENCE: Yes we can.
OBAMA: She was there for the buses in Montgomery, the hoses in Birmingham, a bridge in Selma, and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that "We Shall Overcome." Yes we can.
AUDIENCE: Yes we can.
OBAMA: A man touched down on the moon, a wall came down in Berlin, a world was connected by our own science and imagination.
And this year, in this election, she touched her finger to a screen, and cast her vote, because after 106 years in America, through the best of times and the darkest of hours, she knows how America can change.
Yes we can.
AUDIENCE: Yes we can.
OBAMA: America, we have come so far. We have seen so much. But there is so much more to do. So tonight, let us ask ourselves -- if our children should live to see the next century; if my daughters should be so lucky to live as long as Ann Nixon Cooper, what change will they see?
What progress will we have made?
This is our chance to answer that call. This is our moment.
This is our time, to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim the American dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth, that, out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope. And where we are met with cynicism and doubts and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people: Yes, we can.
Thank you. God bless you. And may God bless the United States of America.
If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.
It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen, by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different, that their voices could be that difference.
It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled. Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of individuals or a collection of red states and blue states.
We are, and always will be, the United States of America.
It's the answer that led those who've been told for so long by so many to be cynical and fearful and doubtful about what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.
It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this date in this election at this defining moment change has come to America.
A little bit earlier this evening, I received an extraordinarily gracious call from Senator McCain.
Senator McCain fought long and hard in this campaign. And he's fought even longer and harder for the country that he loves. He has endured sacrifices for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine. We are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader.
I congratulate him; I congratulate Governor Palin for all that they've achieved. And I look forward to working with them to renew this nation's promise in the months ahead.
I want to thank my partner in this journey, a man who campaigned from his heart, and spoke for the men and women he grew up with on the streets of Scranton...
... and rode with on the train home to Delaware, the vice president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden.
And I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last 16 years...
... the rock of our family, the love of my life, the nation's next first lady...
... Michelle Obama.
Sasha and Malia...
... I love you both more than you can imagine. And you have earned the new puppy that's coming with us...
... to the new White House.
And while she's no longer with us, I know my grandmother's watching, along with the family that made me who I am. I miss them tonight. I know that my debt to them is beyond measure.
To my sister Maya, my sister Alma, all my other brothers and sisters, thank you so much for all the support that you've given me. I am grateful to them.
And to my campaign manager, David Plouffe...
... the unsung hero of this campaign, who built the best -- the best political campaign, I think, in the history of the United States of America.
To my chief strategist David Axelrod...
... who's been a partner with me every step of the way. To the best campaign team ever assembled in the history of politics...
... you made this happen, and I am forever grateful for what you've sacrificed to get it done. But above all, I will never forget who this victory truly belongs to. It belongs to you. It belongs to you.
I was never the likeliest candidate for this office. We didn't start with much money or many endorsements. Our campaign was not hatched in the halls of Washington. It began in the backyards of Des Moines and the living rooms of Concord and the front porches of Charleston. It was built by working men and women who dug into what little savings they had to give $5 and $10 and $20 to the cause.
It grew strength from the young people who rejected the myth of their generation's apathy...
... who left their homes and their families for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep.
It drew strength from the not-so-young people who braved the bitter cold and scorching heat to knock on doors of perfect strangers, and from the millions of Americans who volunteered and organized and proved that more than two centuries later a government of the people, by the people, and for the people has not perished from the Earth.
This is your victory.
And I know you didn't do this just to win an election. And I know you didn't do it for me.
You did it because you understand the enormity of the task that lies ahead. For even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime -- two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century.
Even as we stand here tonight, we know there are brave Americans waking up in the deserts of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan to risk their lives for us.
There are mothers and fathers who will lie awake after the children fall asleep and wonder how they'll make the mortgage or pay their doctors' bills or save enough for their child's college education.
There's new energy to harness, new jobs to be created, new schools to build, and threats to meet, alliances to repair.
The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even in one term. But, America, I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there.
I promise you, we as a people will get there.
AUDIENCE: Yes we can! Yes we can! Yes we can!
OBAMA: There will be setbacks and false starts. There are many who won't agree with every decision or policy I make as president. And we know the government can't solve every problem.
But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face. I will listen to you, especially when we disagree. And, above all, I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation, the only way it's been done in America for 221 years -- block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand.
What began 21 months ago in the depths of winter cannot end on this autumn night.
This victory alone is not the change we seek. It is only the chance for us to make that change. And that cannot happen if we go back to the way things were.
It can't happen without you, without a new spirit of service, a new spirit of sacrifice.
So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism, of responsibility, where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves but each other.
Let us remember that, if this financial crisis taught us anything, it's that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers.
In this country, we rise or fall as one nation, as one people. Let's resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long.
Let's remember that it was a man from this state who first carried the banner of the Republican Party to the White House, a party founded on the values of self-reliance and individual liberty and national unity.
Those are values that we all share. And while the Democratic Party has won a great victory tonight, we do so with a measure of humility and determination to heal the divides that have held back our progress.
As Lincoln said to a nation far more divided than ours, we are not enemies but friends. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection.
And to those Americans whose support I have yet to earn, I may not have won your vote tonight, but I hear your voices. I need your help. And I will be your president, too.
And to all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces, to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of the world, our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand.
To those -- to those who would tear the world down: We will defeat you. To those who seek peace and security: We support you. And to all those who have wondered if America's beacon still burns as bright: Tonight we proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity and unyielding hope.
That's the true genius of America: that America can change. Our union can be perfected. What we've already achieved gives us hope for what we can and must achieve tomorrow.
This election had many firsts and many stories that will be told for generations. But one that's on my mind tonight's about a woman who cast her ballot in Atlanta. She's a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard in this election except for one thing: Ann Nixon Cooper is 106 years old.
She was born just a generation past slavery; a time when there were no cars on the road or planes in the sky; when someone like her couldn't vote for two reasons -- because she was a woman and because of the color of her skin.
And tonight, I think about all that she's seen throughout her century in America -- the heartache and the hope; the struggle and the progress; the times we were told that we can't, and the people who pressed on with that American creed: Yes we can.
At a time when women's voices were silenced and their hopes dismissed, she lived to see them stand up and speak out and reach for the ballot. Yes we can.
When there was despair in the dust bowl and depression across the land, she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal, new jobs, a new sense of common purpose. Yes we can.
AUDIENCE: Yes we can.
OBAMA: When the bombs fell on our harbor and tyranny threatened the world, she was there to witness a generation rise to greatness and a democracy was saved. Yes we can.
AUDIENCE: Yes we can.
OBAMA: She was there for the buses in Montgomery, the hoses in Birmingham, a bridge in Selma, and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that "We Shall Overcome." Yes we can.
AUDIENCE: Yes we can.
OBAMA: A man touched down on the moon, a wall came down in Berlin, a world was connected by our own science and imagination.
And this year, in this election, she touched her finger to a screen, and cast her vote, because after 106 years in America, through the best of times and the darkest of hours, she knows how America can change.
Yes we can.
AUDIENCE: Yes we can.
OBAMA: America, we have come so far. We have seen so much. But there is so much more to do. So tonight, let us ask ourselves -- if our children should live to see the next century; if my daughters should be so lucky to live as long as Ann Nixon Cooper, what change will they see?
What progress will we have made?
This is our chance to answer that call. This is our moment.
This is our time, to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim the American dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth, that, out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope. And where we are met with cynicism and doubts and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people: Yes, we can.
Thank you. God bless you. And may God bless the United States of America.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Love Of My Life
Love of my life, you hurt me,You broken my heart, now you leave me.Love of my life cant you see,Bring it back bring it back,Dont take it away from me,Because you dont know what it means to me.Love of my life dont leave me,Youve stolen my love now desert me,Love of my life cant you see,Bring it back bring it back,Dont take it away from me,Because you dont know what it means to me.You will remember when this is blown over,And everythings all by the way,When I grow older,I will be there by your side,To remind how I still love youI still love you.Hurry back hurry back,Dont take it away from me,Because you dont know what it means to me.Love of my life,Love of my life.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Time after time, i say ... it is getting harder and harder to find something that could touch me. I guess its partly due to the fact that I'm getting older, I'm getting wiser, so my expectation of what that could move me no longer stays as what they used to be.
But then again, I know deep inside that, it is the simplest thing in life that usually could achieve that ..
So the truth is, life is getting more complicated, people too, issues too .. where can one find the simplest thing in life?
Tell me .. i will be there.
But then again, I know deep inside that, it is the simplest thing in life that usually could achieve that ..
So the truth is, life is getting more complicated, people too, issues too .. where can one find the simplest thing in life?
Tell me .. i will be there.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Liquid Dance
If you have no plan to go dancing tonight, but you sense the lightness of being, and feel like dancing, wanna dance with me here ??? ...
THE Fish Tank
what kind of fashion a man wears talks a lot about him. What kind of fish tank he picks speaks a lot about his lifestyle ... as for this fish tank, I'm sure everyone loves to own one.



Saturday, October 4, 2008
The Boat on my Profile
I posted this as my profile status on my facebook ... The boat is supposed to get me to the other shore... but what if there's bad weather and choppy waters? Then what?
These are the comments I received ..
Andy Alfian says: firstly take it that, the boat is ur gf, bf, love, anyone u loved!u should hold on tied to the boat n stick with it and make sure u n the baot reach the destitationthe moral is- no matter wat hapens, u will go trough to thick and thin, and go through all obstalces togtehr, no matter how rough the journey is!!
Peck Gee Chua says: The night is just darkest before the dawn. Really.
Samuel Tan Jiun Hao says: for the boat qn, ans is "take other transport la.. we shldn't just stick to 1 idea. come out with alot n u may come out with a better idea."
Chen Baolai says: take a plane.. go the up way, go the ATAS way!! =) tats the advice coming from an air force dude.. =)
Ivan Tay says: Have faith in the boat to do it's job in travelling across water.
Sylvester Goh says: life is unfair, live with it. come back later lah.
Bobby Sia says: it's just a bad weather, not hurricane katherine; it's just choppy water, not tsunami. what's wrong with crossing to the other shore? if the boat is suppose to get me to the other shore, it will. if the boat is my life and the shore is my desitination in life, no matter what happen, i will still get there.
Melvin Zheng Jun Long says: Simple Get UMBRELLA and SWIMMING TRUNK get ready!Just in case you want to party on the boat and it rain~~~The boat is already suppose to get me to the other shore, no one say is a sampan. JUST HOLD TIGHT and take a ride!
Zander Goh says: To be out in the sea. Its expected that it will not be as calm as gentle. Everyone knew that. Wise to prepare for a trip then to regret later. If not...LOL then will probably sink. So its best that u prepare life jacket as well as learn to swim till u get someone to rescues you! ^^
Marcus Lee Chun Ming says: the boat could possibly be a reference to one's own life, and the waters of the sea cld be, in turn, referenced to the difficulties, hardships life could offer! so basically, we should all do the right thing in times of adversity(the sea), and steer ourselves(the boat) towards our own personal goals or the final target(the shore), without backing down(possibly drowning). :D
Loo Jia Jie says: Hey. If the boat is to capsize. I'll swim my way there. :) tc.
Dex Tan says: depending on what is over the other shore. if there is something impt i will still take the boat and worst come to worst if i drop into the water i will swim over. haha. high risk high returns man... ok back to study!!
Marvin Soh Shaowen says: Life is nothing without risk, if you don't try, you will never know whether you can get through or what you would get.Bad weather and choppy waters are just 'brick walls' to stop you from reaching your goal, why let it affect you? To me, they are to separate the ones that dare to reach for their goals with what they have and those who cowardly back off when faced with setbacks.In this case, you have your boat.; Its time to reach for your goal.
Muhd Bukhary says: Fight through the weather with confidence in yourself and the boat, this is a one hurdle that god is testing you, if the boat capsize, swim across.
Khor Yong Keong says: No rush ma, check the weather forecast for the next day LAH!"Taking a rest is to travel a longer journey."
Samuel Ong C S says: come what may, all i have to do is focus and no matter how sometimes i may drift off track and waves might hit me, but i know that after every storm there's always a rainbow after that. life is unpredictable, the best way is to go through it cause it's the best and only way.
Zhang Jiawei says: don't think too much, just give it your best shot.
Justin An Xiang Seet says: Have faith in your boat in yourself. When losing hope, think of the times when the boat served you well, remenisce and know that this is the VERY same boat that brought you to shore all those times
Imran Iskandar says: it depends on what is on the other side of the shore etc. love ones, fiona xie or a gym then follow your heart and do what is right.. otherwise rent a submarine?
Wendy Ong says: Then you wait. Good things come to those who wait. You wait and keep looking forward.
Lex Chan Li Xin says: just keep rowing. believing and trying ur best to keep the boat stable.
Vin Goh Jiayu says: confidence is the key.. if u are confident in reaching the shore wateva that comes in ur way wun be a problemif not then wait for the weather to tide down and the water to calm then continue...
Junwei Malcy says: Embrace yourself to new challenges. The storm only represent bad times in our life but once we get thru the storm, we see light at the other end. Same for life. Life dont stop just because we encounter something that we cant solve. In fact, move on and settle for something better if not more.
Kelvin Ng says: Our goals in life is just like how the boat is built to get us to the other shore. And therefore for any goals that we want to achieve, there will always be obstacles that we will have to face. Some people might achieve the goals they want when they overcome their obstacles but some people will be stuck up. The people who overcome their obstacles are those who worked hard but for those people who were stuck up, they have only themselves to blame. Just like everyone in NUM wants to have a smooth ride but everyone had forgotten that it is not that easy to achieve that.
Kai Ergo says: The boat becomes a promise from the moment u leave shore cause it is suppose to get u to the other shore but you must both work as a team.Even if the boat breaks apart there is still part of it tat can be used to lessen ur burdern.For me i think u should nvr be discourage to keep on moving as life sometimes bring us problems we can hardly endure.In life every trial and test u will find the strength to overcome them.No matter how bad the weather is and how choppy the water gets, they are never there to stay.Inch by inch, the journey will shorten,till the rough patches past and gone and once u look back u will be happy to know all the miles and obstacles u have past.Soon enough ur tedious journey ends n u will lie on shore knowing u have triumphant.
These are the comments I received ..
Andy Alfian says: firstly take it that, the boat is ur gf, bf, love, anyone u loved!u should hold on tied to the boat n stick with it and make sure u n the baot reach the destitationthe moral is- no matter wat hapens, u will go trough to thick and thin, and go through all obstalces togtehr, no matter how rough the journey is!!
Peck Gee Chua says: The night is just darkest before the dawn. Really.
Samuel Tan Jiun Hao says: for the boat qn, ans is "take other transport la.. we shldn't just stick to 1 idea. come out with alot n u may come out with a better idea."
Chen Baolai says: take a plane.. go the up way, go the ATAS way!! =) tats the advice coming from an air force dude.. =)
Ivan Tay says: Have faith in the boat to do it's job in travelling across water.
Sylvester Goh says: life is unfair, live with it. come back later lah.
Bobby Sia says: it's just a bad weather, not hurricane katherine; it's just choppy water, not tsunami. what's wrong with crossing to the other shore? if the boat is suppose to get me to the other shore, it will. if the boat is my life and the shore is my desitination in life, no matter what happen, i will still get there.
Melvin Zheng Jun Long says: Simple Get UMBRELLA and SWIMMING TRUNK get ready!Just in case you want to party on the boat and it rain~~~The boat is already suppose to get me to the other shore, no one say is a sampan. JUST HOLD TIGHT and take a ride!
Zander Goh says: To be out in the sea. Its expected that it will not be as calm as gentle. Everyone knew that. Wise to prepare for a trip then to regret later. If not...LOL then will probably sink. So its best that u prepare life jacket as well as learn to swim till u get someone to rescues you! ^^
Marcus Lee Chun Ming says: the boat could possibly be a reference to one's own life, and the waters of the sea cld be, in turn, referenced to the difficulties, hardships life could offer! so basically, we should all do the right thing in times of adversity(the sea), and steer ourselves(the boat) towards our own personal goals or the final target(the shore), without backing down(possibly drowning). :D
Loo Jia Jie says: Hey. If the boat is to capsize. I'll swim my way there. :) tc.
Dex Tan says: depending on what is over the other shore. if there is something impt i will still take the boat and worst come to worst if i drop into the water i will swim over. haha. high risk high returns man... ok back to study!!
Marvin Soh Shaowen says: Life is nothing without risk, if you don't try, you will never know whether you can get through or what you would get.Bad weather and choppy waters are just 'brick walls' to stop you from reaching your goal, why let it affect you? To me, they are to separate the ones that dare to reach for their goals with what they have and those who cowardly back off when faced with setbacks.In this case, you have your boat.; Its time to reach for your goal.
Muhd Bukhary says: Fight through the weather with confidence in yourself and the boat, this is a one hurdle that god is testing you, if the boat capsize, swim across.
Khor Yong Keong says: No rush ma, check the weather forecast for the next day LAH!"Taking a rest is to travel a longer journey."
Samuel Ong C S says: come what may, all i have to do is focus and no matter how sometimes i may drift off track and waves might hit me, but i know that after every storm there's always a rainbow after that. life is unpredictable, the best way is to go through it cause it's the best and only way.
Zhang Jiawei says: don't think too much, just give it your best shot.
Justin An Xiang Seet says: Have faith in your boat in yourself. When losing hope, think of the times when the boat served you well, remenisce and know that this is the VERY same boat that brought you to shore all those times
Imran Iskandar says: it depends on what is on the other side of the shore etc. love ones, fiona xie or a gym then follow your heart and do what is right.. otherwise rent a submarine?
Wendy Ong says: Then you wait. Good things come to those who wait. You wait and keep looking forward.
Lex Chan Li Xin says: just keep rowing. believing and trying ur best to keep the boat stable.
Vin Goh Jiayu says: confidence is the key.. if u are confident in reaching the shore wateva that comes in ur way wun be a problemif not then wait for the weather to tide down and the water to calm then continue...
Junwei Malcy says: Embrace yourself to new challenges. The storm only represent bad times in our life but once we get thru the storm, we see light at the other end. Same for life. Life dont stop just because we encounter something that we cant solve. In fact, move on and settle for something better if not more.
Kelvin Ng says: Our goals in life is just like how the boat is built to get us to the other shore. And therefore for any goals that we want to achieve, there will always be obstacles that we will have to face. Some people might achieve the goals they want when they overcome their obstacles but some people will be stuck up. The people who overcome their obstacles are those who worked hard but for those people who were stuck up, they have only themselves to blame. Just like everyone in NUM wants to have a smooth ride but everyone had forgotten that it is not that easy to achieve that.
Kai Ergo says: The boat becomes a promise from the moment u leave shore cause it is suppose to get u to the other shore but you must both work as a team.Even if the boat breaks apart there is still part of it tat can be used to lessen ur burdern.For me i think u should nvr be discourage to keep on moving as life sometimes bring us problems we can hardly endure.In life every trial and test u will find the strength to overcome them.No matter how bad the weather is and how choppy the water gets, they are never there to stay.Inch by inch, the journey will shorten,till the rough patches past and gone and once u look back u will be happy to know all the miles and obstacles u have past.Soon enough ur tedious journey ends n u will lie on shore knowing u have triumphant.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Late Night ... Full of Thoughts.
There are a great number of things going through my mind lately. It is always in time like this that I derive great thoughts, ideas and strategies.
Someone asked me, will I ever run out of ideas. I dont even know it myself really. I am like a doraemon, i can keep drawing out items from within, non stop. The funny thing is, the more I take out, the more I feel I have inside.
I love books. I love to visit book store a lot. Page One especially. Somehow, when i walk inside, I have so much inspirations, I think I can stay in there for my whole life.
@@@@ @@
September was a very challenging month, but the feeling of walking out of all the limitations, and walked out victoriously, the emotion is enormous, the feeling is great.
I will have a lot of visitors this October. With all the exciting projects that I have planned out, along with so many cool people that will be visiting me, I guess, no matter how bad the economy is, there will be a lot of warmth this month. But then again, I will make sure that everything will be in place, and we will do even better.
How much will my team go with me?
Not many people appreciate goodwill. Many take it for granted.
Its harder to find greatness in people now ... well, they do what they do, I still believe in my own standard.
I had a meeting with a group of students. I'm supposed to help them with a school project. In the meeting, this is what I said.
"It is not about giving the world what they want.
It is about giving the world what they don't have.
And most of the time, they don't even know what they don't have yet."
I dont think many people understand what dateline is all about.
Anyone at work who dont understand what dateline is all about is equivalent to not doing a good job.
A great job done after the dateline set, is a bad job, it is not even a good job, because resources are wasted.
Someone asked me, how do i determine who is good at work.
I said simple. Look at the results.
In school, we were taught its not the results, its the process.
At Work, no matter how much you have learnt in the process, if the result is nil, it is bad. Noone actually cares about how much you have learnt through it all. This is the world.
In school, you pay the school fees.
At work, the company pays you.
That's why.
one more time ...
no man is worth your tears, the one who does won't make you cry.
Someone asked me, will I ever run out of ideas. I dont even know it myself really. I am like a doraemon, i can keep drawing out items from within, non stop. The funny thing is, the more I take out, the more I feel I have inside.
I love books. I love to visit book store a lot. Page One especially. Somehow, when i walk inside, I have so much inspirations, I think I can stay in there for my whole life.
@@@@ @@
September was a very challenging month, but the feeling of walking out of all the limitations, and walked out victoriously, the emotion is enormous, the feeling is great.
I will have a lot of visitors this October. With all the exciting projects that I have planned out, along with so many cool people that will be visiting me, I guess, no matter how bad the economy is, there will be a lot of warmth this month. But then again, I will make sure that everything will be in place, and we will do even better.
How much will my team go with me?
Not many people appreciate goodwill. Many take it for granted.
Its harder to find greatness in people now ... well, they do what they do, I still believe in my own standard.
I had a meeting with a group of students. I'm supposed to help them with a school project. In the meeting, this is what I said.
"It is not about giving the world what they want.
It is about giving the world what they don't have.
And most of the time, they don't even know what they don't have yet."
I dont think many people understand what dateline is all about.
Anyone at work who dont understand what dateline is all about is equivalent to not doing a good job.
A great job done after the dateline set, is a bad job, it is not even a good job, because resources are wasted.
Someone asked me, how do i determine who is good at work.
I said simple. Look at the results.
In school, we were taught its not the results, its the process.
At Work, no matter how much you have learnt in the process, if the result is nil, it is bad. Noone actually cares about how much you have learnt through it all. This is the world.
In school, you pay the school fees.
At work, the company pays you.
That's why.
one more time ...
no man is worth your tears, the one who does won't make you cry.
A Letter today ...
I read this along with me eating my meal .....
Hi Shenzi,
I guess this is the first time i wrote privately to you. I mean you are the only one older then us that we can share things to apart from our parents. Even sometimes we do not share all our stuff in life with our parents, agree?
I was reading your blog recently, i guess not everyone takes 5mins of their time a week just to sit down at quiet place and do some reflection about what has happen in our life. I am inspired by you, although you have so many monkeys like us to handle and even still you still can live quite happy and i always see a smile on your face.
One day i hope to be the boss of my own business, i intend to start my own brownie business. Sounds girly, but i think i have to drive to do it. I hope that i will have a successful company like what NUM has now. You started off from a website to the first hereen store and now more then 200 monkeys under you. That's uber incredible!
I really look up to you as someone i follow and wish to be next time in life although i seldom say this out to you or anyone else. I'm shy, hahahah.
I am using this little time to reflect on what i have and not taking things for granted. In a few hours time i will be meeting Mr S.R Nathan to receive my national youth achievement award, and this is the time that i finally spend time with my daddy and mummy and my jie jie as a family. Life as somehow changed after we grow up. At least i will have a proper meal with my family tml. Sometimes when we look back, we never really treasure the time and opportunities we have, i wished to spend more time with all my loved ones but personal commitments has tied us all down.
Shenzi, thank you for giving me the opportunity to work in num about 1 year ago. It has been close to 1 year! hahahaha. Being in the NUM family i felt so warm, like the family kinda love. Everyone knows each other even those in the management team didnt look upon us like some ETs, they even treated us like brothers. :) This 1 year i have learn alot in NUM in terms of retail management, product knowledge and life skills through your sharings.
Shenzi, thanks again for making num such a wonderful company for us to work in.
Hi Shenzi,
I guess this is the first time i wrote privately to you. I mean you are the only one older then us that we can share things to apart from our parents. Even sometimes we do not share all our stuff in life with our parents, agree?
I was reading your blog recently, i guess not everyone takes 5mins of their time a week just to sit down at quiet place and do some reflection about what has happen in our life. I am inspired by you, although you have so many monkeys like us to handle and even still you still can live quite happy and i always see a smile on your face.
One day i hope to be the boss of my own business, i intend to start my own brownie business. Sounds girly, but i think i have to drive to do it. I hope that i will have a successful company like what NUM has now. You started off from a website to the first hereen store and now more then 200 monkeys under you. That's uber incredible!
I really look up to you as someone i follow and wish to be next time in life although i seldom say this out to you or anyone else. I'm shy, hahahah.
I am using this little time to reflect on what i have and not taking things for granted. In a few hours time i will be meeting Mr S.R Nathan to receive my national youth achievement award, and this is the time that i finally spend time with my daddy and mummy and my jie jie as a family. Life as somehow changed after we grow up. At least i will have a proper meal with my family tml. Sometimes when we look back, we never really treasure the time and opportunities we have, i wished to spend more time with all my loved ones but personal commitments has tied us all down.
Shenzi, thank you for giving me the opportunity to work in num about 1 year ago. It has been close to 1 year! hahahaha. Being in the NUM family i felt so warm, like the family kinda love. Everyone knows each other even those in the management team didnt look upon us like some ETs, they even treated us like brothers. :) This 1 year i have learn alot in NUM in terms of retail management, product knowledge and life skills through your sharings.
Shenzi, thanks again for making num such a wonderful company for us to work in.
Monday, September 29, 2008
952pm. Alone in the office. I just finished everything I need to do today. Looking at what we have done and achieved, at least hard work pays off. Of course, everything in life can always be done better, with the limited resource, It was a good weekend.
I have spent too much at work recently, I need to plan something cool for myself real soon. I probably will make a bit of planning tonight. i cant wait to get home, take a hot shower, sit at my balcony and take a good rest.
Been awhile since I last spent a bit of time by myself. Good for the soul, good for the body and the spirit too, I'm sure ...
I just got my blackbery Bold. Yet to read thru the instruction manual. Shall read the wnders of the phone later .. I will share with you.
952pm. What are you doing?
I have spent too much at work recently, I need to plan something cool for myself real soon. I probably will make a bit of planning tonight. i cant wait to get home, take a hot shower, sit at my balcony and take a good rest.
Been awhile since I last spent a bit of time by myself. Good for the soul, good for the body and the spirit too, I'm sure ...
I just got my blackbery Bold. Yet to read thru the instruction manual. Shall read the wnders of the phone later .. I will share with you.
952pm. What are you doing?
A spark to refresh my spirit.
Was extremely busy last week with the whole marketing strategy, and then came this email from one of the NUMboys, serving NS now .. sweet.
hi shenzi,
how have u been ?? read from ur blog and undertand that u had a very enjoyable birhday party .... though is a bit too late, still happy super super belated birthday. hahah. I am sure that things in num are going as smoothly as be4 or even better right? cox i can't think of any reasons why NUM wil not do well. Our products, our ambassadors , our management rocks and our directors rocks too. read till very song right?? haaa
anyway i'm doing fine in NS.Somehow i got a new aim for these 2 years and it is to be a outstandin naval diver. cool shit right!!! elite forces sia!! so honour to be able to get inside. however the path to become a diver is not easy. i have to get thru 9 months of tough trainings. very long way to go but i believe i can make it. wish me all the best , yea??
Know wat, i proud that i used to be a num ambassador and thanks for letting me be a num model and june scandalender. Be4 i start introducing myself,a few of my batch boys already know i am from NUM ..... Damn cool can. when asked where i used to work, when i said NUM they will give me those "AISEH " look ! thanks boss for everything :) not only for giving me the chance for all those fashion show etc, and also the values you taught me over the period of 2 + yrs.
Keep me updated too abt NUM and urself if u are willing to. don't be shy!! lastly take care, stay cheerful
hi shenzi,
how have u been ?? read from ur blog and undertand that u had a very enjoyable birhday party .... though is a bit too late, still happy super super belated birthday. hahah. I am sure that things in num are going as smoothly as be4 or even better right? cox i can't think of any reasons why NUM wil not do well. Our products, our ambassadors , our management rocks and our directors rocks too. read till very song right?? haaa
anyway i'm doing fine in NS.Somehow i got a new aim for these 2 years and it is to be a outstandin naval diver. cool shit right!!! elite forces sia!! so honour to be able to get inside. however the path to become a diver is not easy. i have to get thru 9 months of tough trainings. very long way to go but i believe i can make it. wish me all the best , yea??
Know wat, i proud that i used to be a num ambassador and thanks for letting me be a num model and june scandalender. Be4 i start introducing myself,a few of my batch boys already know i am from NUM ..... Damn cool can. when asked where i used to work, when i said NUM they will give me those "AISEH " look ! thanks boss for everything :) not only for giving me the chance for all those fashion show etc, and also the values you taught me over the period of 2 + yrs.
Keep me updated too abt NUM and urself if u are willing to. don't be shy!! lastly take care, stay cheerful
No Seafood, We eat Bread.
Robson was reporting to the national service. The only thing he was worried about, if the relationship he has with his girlfriend will last through the 2 years.
The night before they were n the phone. The girlfriend popped the question first. Do you love me.
"Yes." Robson.
"Will you wait for me?"
"Of course." She said.
"With the little money I'm going to have monthly, we may not be able to enjoy as much than before".
"Its ok. If we don't have the seafood, we can always feed on bread." She said.
The day came. She sent him off at the campsite.
The night she went on to party with her friends.
She met a new guy. They got hooked up. And she fed him her own bread.
The night before they were n the phone. The girlfriend popped the question first. Do you love me.
"Yes." Robson.
"Will you wait for me?"
"Of course." She said.
"With the little money I'm going to have monthly, we may not be able to enjoy as much than before".
"Its ok. If we don't have the seafood, we can always feed on bread." She said.
The day came. She sent him off at the campsite.
The night she went on to party with her friends.
She met a new guy. They got hooked up. And she fed him her own bread.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Self Defense Umbrella
I have found a great gift for grandma. This is going to be the best self defense tool for all the Ah Ma and Ah Gong.
Troika : Cloud
Im a sucker for great design concept. This one, how i wish i could build this into one of the new NUM concept stores.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
My Blue buddies
hey yo .. introducing my new blue buddies. They just arrived, in one huge box. I'm going to show you one set at a time. Today lets see 3 of them.
above: Olympics
above: Sports .. racket games
above: Characteristics
If you happen to own some blue buddies, and do not love them anymore, will you not pass them all to me? :)



If you happen to own some blue buddies, and do not love them anymore, will you not pass them all to me? :)
Friday, September 12, 2008
3 monkeys and a baby !
Kevin, Vincent and Adam asked me out for dinner today. I have not met them for about 2 months ever since they left for NS, and it was a good time catching up.
This gesture touched me a great deal. They made a point to celerate my birthday. Most importantly, 3 poor NSmen, insisted treating a director. I was moved, really.
When i got back to the office, I found yet another email from an outgoing num ambassador. sherman is leaving for Ns soon ...
Dear Shenzi!
Firstly I would like to wish you a Happy belated Birthday! May your wishes for yourself and the company come true.
As I spent the last 2 weeks after quitting NUM I found out how much I missed NUM. The openings, closings, serving customers, seeing satisfaction on customers' faces, using the POS, doing stock checks etc. It had been closed to 7 months since I joined this company and throughout this phase of my life I leant many lessons that I can carry with me for the rest of my life.
I still remembered the first time when I stepped into your office for the 2nd interview I was thinking to myself I definitely must perform in this interview and give you the best first impression (it counts doesn't it?) if not confirm will not get hired because I'm speaking to the DIRECTOR of a well-known brand in Singapore! A little stressed-out me finally was hired. Hooray!!!
Then came the first day at work... then the second day... and so on. From a person who has no retail experience I can say out loud that NUM has transformed me into a ambassador capable to handling, serving and doing transactions pretty well and smoothly. Of course this would not be possible without the help of the seniors, ICs, fellow ambassadors (we learnt quite alot from each other as well!), your management staffs and also you. From the way you, Calvin and James handle this company I'm sure in no time NUM will be a globalised brand where it will be not only a place to get presents and shopping but also a place where customers will be able to relax and enjoy the wonderful atmosphere (and of course be back again).
NUM is a place where many friendships were built. I made many wonderful friends in this period of time, mainly Daniel Ker, Wilson Chan, Alvin Phua, Desmond Lau, Isyandi, Husaini, Seng Kiat, Nigel, James, Fauzee, Hidayat, Wei Long, etc. There are also the ICs that helped me along the way and I would also like to thank them very much. People like Josh, Kelvin P.K, Daniel (Selemat), Bernie and Wei Cong. Thank you Colin, Junior, Ying, Ben Fei, Ben jie and the management staff also! Jiayou!!! For those not mentioned thank you very much!
May continue to prosper in the upcoming years!!!
Ex-NFF Spartans
p.s Wheehlock NUM rocks! :)
This gesture touched me a great deal. They made a point to celerate my birthday. Most importantly, 3 poor NSmen, insisted treating a director. I was moved, really.
When i got back to the office, I found yet another email from an outgoing num ambassador. sherman is leaving for Ns soon ...
Dear Shenzi!
Firstly I would like to wish you a Happy belated Birthday! May your wishes for yourself and the company come true.
As I spent the last 2 weeks after quitting NUM I found out how much I missed NUM. The openings, closings, serving customers, seeing satisfaction on customers' faces, using the POS, doing stock checks etc. It had been closed to 7 months since I joined this company and throughout this phase of my life I leant many lessons that I can carry with me for the rest of my life.
I still remembered the first time when I stepped into your office for the 2nd interview I was thinking to myself I definitely must perform in this interview and give you the best first impression (it counts doesn't it?) if not confirm will not get hired because I'm speaking to the DIRECTOR of a well-known brand in Singapore! A little stressed-out me finally was hired. Hooray!!!
Then came the first day at work... then the second day... and so on. From a person who has no retail experience I can say out loud that NUM has transformed me into a ambassador capable to handling, serving and doing transactions pretty well and smoothly. Of course this would not be possible without the help of the seniors, ICs, fellow ambassadors (we learnt quite alot from each other as well!), your management staffs and also you. From the way you, Calvin and James handle this company I'm sure in no time NUM will be a globalised brand where it will be not only a place to get presents and shopping but also a place where customers will be able to relax and enjoy the wonderful atmosphere (and of course be back again).
NUM is a place where many friendships were built. I made many wonderful friends in this period of time, mainly Daniel Ker, Wilson Chan, Alvin Phua, Desmond Lau, Isyandi, Husaini, Seng Kiat, Nigel, James, Fauzee, Hidayat, Wei Long, etc. There are also the ICs that helped me along the way and I would also like to thank them very much. People like Josh, Kelvin P.K, Daniel (Selemat), Bernie and Wei Cong. Thank you Colin, Junior, Ying, Ben Fei, Ben jie and the management staff also! Jiayou!!! For those not mentioned thank you very much!
May continue to prosper in the upcoming years!!!
Ex-NFF Spartans
p.s Wheehlock NUM rocks! :)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Top 10 list
1156pm 9th Sep Kevin
HAppy Birthday shenzi am i the first one to wish ya. And i hope you'll get wad ever u wish for :) even special one ... hee. Most important is ur health which money can't by. Take note yeah. Hee I'll see ya soon. Enjoy yourself tmr. Ho Ho night.
1202am 10th Sep Junior
Shenzi happy bday. M I the first???
Ha Ha.
PING !!!
1202am 10th Sep Ben
HAppy bday! may u have good health and may you find ur other half soon, the business will huat.
1202am 10th Sep Ying
Happy birthday shenzi :)
1202am 10th Sep How Choong
Happy birthday :)
1202am 10th Sep Desiree
Lao ban HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, HAPPY. Wish you success and business god good always in num ... huggies. :)
1204am 10th Sep Andruew
HAppy birthday to u Happy birthday to u ... happy birthday to mr shenzi chua happy birthday to u ... i wish for blessings onto u .. May everythin run smoothly in ur life. And may u always find the time of ur life . A yr older means a yr of experience to add to ur wisdom. Have a great birthday bash yeah.
1204am 10th Sep Cavan
HAppy birthday !!!
1204am 10th Sep Colin
Btw, happy birthday.
1207am 10th Sep Denglin
happy birthday shenzi! May you live each day happily and may num grow bigger and stronger! :)
HAppy Birthday shenzi am i the first one to wish ya. And i hope you'll get wad ever u wish for :) even special one ... hee. Most important is ur health which money can't by. Take note yeah. Hee I'll see ya soon. Enjoy yourself tmr. Ho Ho night.
1202am 10th Sep Junior
Shenzi happy bday. M I the first???
Ha Ha.
PING !!!
1202am 10th Sep Ben
HAppy bday! may u have good health and may you find ur other half soon, the business will huat.
1202am 10th Sep Ying
Happy birthday shenzi :)
1202am 10th Sep How Choong
Happy birthday :)
1202am 10th Sep Desiree
Lao ban HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, HAPPY. Wish you success and business god good always in num ... huggies. :)
1204am 10th Sep Andruew
HAppy birthday to u Happy birthday to u ... happy birthday to mr shenzi chua happy birthday to u ... i wish for blessings onto u .. May everythin run smoothly in ur life. And may u always find the time of ur life . A yr older means a yr of experience to add to ur wisdom. Have a great birthday bash yeah.
1204am 10th Sep Cavan
HAppy birthday !!!
1204am 10th Sep Colin
Btw, happy birthday.
1207am 10th Sep Denglin
happy birthday shenzi! May you live each day happily and may num grow bigger and stronger! :)
09:09pm on 09/09

Ivan promised me to take a pic of himself in his new RR cap at the exact 9 minutes past 9 today 9th September and send it to me. He really did.
Monday, September 8, 2008
More ..
As the company grows, the only concern I have is whether as a team, now with more than 200 of us, if we will drift apart. It is emails like this one, from NUMboys that give a lot of encouragement for me to move further, and to strive harder ...
Morning Shenzi, this would be the first time I would be writing something personal to you on how I am and the experience I've gotten so far working in NUM. This would be the first of many that I would be writing to you.
I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to work in NUM, I remember chancing on the Interview as I went to the toilet in Cineleisure before catching a movie. Decided to go for it as I had loads of freetime, working for NUM would be fun, a privilege and it would look good on my resume.
I remember the interview I had with both you and Colin. Back than I didn't know that you were the Director of NUM. If I knew back than; I would definately have pee-ed in my pants literally as it would have been nerve wrecking.
Working in NUM so far has been really fun and at the same time enriching . Experience through work and life lessons that you preach constantly has matured me in many ways.
I would like to thank you for posting me to Premium; working in Premium sales do not come as easy compared to other shops. People would walk up to you if you're selling flipflops but in Premium being proactive is key. Working in Premium has certainly made me more eloquent, confident in approaching customers and proactive; these factors has considerably attribute into moulding me into a better sales ambassadors. I would like to mention a few people for helping me along the way. Firstly, the two ICs of Premium, Han Long and Hongyi for their patience and guidiance. Secondly, Hidayat and Josh for adding Fun into work. Lastly but sadly, Xueyao; Xueyao is the person I've worked most over the past four months in NUM. He taught me loads of things in Premium and in NUM. I was shocked, disappointed and full of regret when I've learnt of what he had done. Till now I still think that could I had prevented this?
Now as I take up more responsibilities as Premium is short of people; I would certainly impart what I've learned so far in Premium to the rest of the newer collegues assigned to Premium. And of course, the learning process for me has not come to an end, everyday is a new day where the learning would never end, soaking in everything like a sponge.
Lastly, I'll be frank. Shenzi; I respect you, for your success in NUM and values. There is a lot of things I would like to learn from you, so do teach me! Heh that is all for now, there is a lot more things to tell ya, but I just have to leave it to next time. Have a great week ahead! Back to mugging for me!
Morning Shenzi, this would be the first time I would be writing something personal to you on how I am and the experience I've gotten so far working in NUM. This would be the first of many that I would be writing to you.
I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to work in NUM, I remember chancing on the Interview as I went to the toilet in Cineleisure before catching a movie. Decided to go for it as I had loads of freetime, working for NUM would be fun, a privilege and it would look good on my resume.
I remember the interview I had with both you and Colin. Back than I didn't know that you were the Director of NUM. If I knew back than; I would definately have pee-ed in my pants literally as it would have been nerve wrecking.
Working in NUM so far has been really fun and at the same time enriching . Experience through work and life lessons that you preach constantly has matured me in many ways.
I would like to thank you for posting me to Premium; working in Premium sales do not come as easy compared to other shops. People would walk up to you if you're selling flipflops but in Premium being proactive is key. Working in Premium has certainly made me more eloquent, confident in approaching customers and proactive; these factors has considerably attribute into moulding me into a better sales ambassadors. I would like to mention a few people for helping me along the way. Firstly, the two ICs of Premium, Han Long and Hongyi for their patience and guidiance. Secondly, Hidayat and Josh for adding Fun into work. Lastly but sadly, Xueyao; Xueyao is the person I've worked most over the past four months in NUM. He taught me loads of things in Premium and in NUM. I was shocked, disappointed and full of regret when I've learnt of what he had done. Till now I still think that could I had prevented this?
Now as I take up more responsibilities as Premium is short of people; I would certainly impart what I've learned so far in Premium to the rest of the newer collegues assigned to Premium. And of course, the learning process for me has not come to an end, everyday is a new day where the learning would never end, soaking in everything like a sponge.
Lastly, I'll be frank. Shenzi; I respect you, for your success in NUM and values. There is a lot of things I would like to learn from you, so do teach me! Heh that is all for now, there is a lot more things to tell ya, but I just have to leave it to next time. Have a great week ahead! Back to mugging for me!
From Isyandi
Been receiving a number of emails from numboys. These few months I have sent away a big group, more to go. NS, a phase that probably will turn them from boys to young men?
First of all, i would like to thank you for all the experiences in num, and also the opportunity to work in num. At first, i'll never thought that i would get in as i was damn skinny and NOT a dragonboater. haha, but still i got in! i guessed this shows that nothing is impossible. Along the way, num has given me many memories, some good some bad.
I've learnt that in life you have to make the right decision, no matter whether you like it or not, as in the long run, once you make the right decision, you will not regret and eventually, you'll be happy. A wrong decision and you might regret forever. Right now, i've been hoping weilong will learn his mistake and not do it again.
In num, i've made a lot of good friends, friendships that will last for a long time. Husaini, fauzee, sherman, desmond lau, wilson, justin, derrick, nigel, yusri and many more. I think it's a privilege on its own to be able to work with good colleagues and good friends at the same time. Pushing sales, sometimes having a joke among each other while doing that, helping one other to serve customers, can be really really enjoyable. Throughout my time in num, i've also learnt how to speak to customers better, communicating with people better, and as a whole, made me comfortable with speaking out. That's how i got my girlfriend, speaking to her with confidence, without being nervous (i used to be nervous around girls) sadly we broke up, but you cant really be sad for long as there are great colleagues to cheer you up and listen to your problems. Btw, thanks for allowing me to put the balloons in main, during her birthday, when i surprised her after work, it was during the x'mas period when we had the booth downstairs. As i'll be enlisting in NS soon, i wish you have a great birthday party, have fun shenzi!
Special thanks to colin, who has helped me along the way, though i make the weirdest requests, thanks for bearing with me. haha, i'll never forget my first day at work at vivo, you were there and you helped me to overcome my nerves. Thanks once again.
As i enter my next stage in life, i will never forget num, the memories and the friendships. It will always have a place in my heart. I would like to wish you, calvin, james and the management team all the best in life, good health to everyone and may NUM venture overseas and be successful. Stay happy always, and hope to see you guys soon.
Once again, all the best! Good health to all!
First of all, i would like to thank you for all the experiences in num, and also the opportunity to work in num. At first, i'll never thought that i would get in as i was damn skinny and NOT a dragonboater. haha, but still i got in! i guessed this shows that nothing is impossible. Along the way, num has given me many memories, some good some bad.
I've learnt that in life you have to make the right decision, no matter whether you like it or not, as in the long run, once you make the right decision, you will not regret and eventually, you'll be happy. A wrong decision and you might regret forever. Right now, i've been hoping weilong will learn his mistake and not do it again.
In num, i've made a lot of good friends, friendships that will last for a long time. Husaini, fauzee, sherman, desmond lau, wilson, justin, derrick, nigel, yusri and many more. I think it's a privilege on its own to be able to work with good colleagues and good friends at the same time. Pushing sales, sometimes having a joke among each other while doing that, helping one other to serve customers, can be really really enjoyable. Throughout my time in num, i've also learnt how to speak to customers better, communicating with people better, and as a whole, made me comfortable with speaking out. That's how i got my girlfriend, speaking to her with confidence, without being nervous (i used to be nervous around girls) sadly we broke up, but you cant really be sad for long as there are great colleagues to cheer you up and listen to your problems. Btw, thanks for allowing me to put the balloons in main, during her birthday, when i surprised her after work, it was during the x'mas period when we had the booth downstairs. As i'll be enlisting in NS soon, i wish you have a great birthday party, have fun shenzi!
Special thanks to colin, who has helped me along the way, though i make the weirdest requests, thanks for bearing with me. haha, i'll never forget my first day at work at vivo, you were there and you helped me to overcome my nerves. Thanks once again.
As i enter my next stage in life, i will never forget num, the memories and the friendships. It will always have a place in my heart. I would like to wish you, calvin, james and the management team all the best in life, good health to everyone and may NUM venture overseas and be successful. Stay happy always, and hope to see you guys soon.
Once again, all the best! Good health to all!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
A lot of things in life, when look back, can be a joke. What once used to be touching, can now be very humiliating. This is life isnt't it? All the promises we make, all the emotion we present, how long will they all last?
perhaps .. 他們從來也沒有想過,有天錢多到可以存在國外.
perhaps .. 他們從來也沒有想過,有天錢多到可以存在國外.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
5:24am in the morning, i guess most people should be in bed. I wonder will there be anyone else staying awake?
What kind of man will fall in love with staying awake early in the morning? What is he thinking, how is he living his life?
I guess not many people understand this, unless you are living this out yourself.
Until then, you will comprehend, and when you fall in love with it like i do, drop me a message.
What kind of man will fall in love with staying awake early in the morning? What is he thinking, how is he living his life?
I guess not many people understand this, unless you are living this out yourself.
Until then, you will comprehend, and when you fall in love with it like i do, drop me a message.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Proudest Moment?
I read this online, someone's thought about the Singapore Table Tennis Team. This is exactly what I meant about, Singapore may eventually get the gold, but will this make everyone proud of the moment ?
The guy wrote this ..
This becomes a precedent that the foreign talent scheme works. It will be the model case study for all future cases. And the Singapore Sport Council will have more ammo in terms of money to get more foreign talents to Singapore. Forget about grooming the locals. Why invest in such a big risk? Just go buy another athletes from elsewhere to help us win. Besides, other countries are doing that too. So why not Singapore?
Yes, the Foreign Talent Scheme works in the sense that it does bring us an Olympic medal. But it kills the entire local sporting scene. How do we groom local athletes when all we think about is to bring foreign talents in to help us win? How do the local athletes gain international competition exposure when we always send foreign talents oversea? How do we motivate our local athletes when all the media attention are on the foreign talents? Who will dare to send their child to the Sport School when there is a high chance that we will bring in a foreign talent to replace them if they don’t perform up to standard?
We are only interested in the results. Not the process in getting the results. It doesn’t matter who gets the medal. You don’t need to be a local. You don’t need to stay in Singapore for long. You don’t need to speak with a Singapore acent. You don’t need to know the Singapore history. You don’t need to understand Singapore culture. You can even drag the Singapore flag on the floor for the world to see. So long as you get the medal under Singapore flag, the rest doesn’t matter.
This is the sad state of Singapore sporting scene. And it will remain this way until someone wakes up from the medal chasing dream. It’s not about medal. It’s about representation. It’s about national identity. And this foreign talent scheme is eroding our national identity, if there is any to begin with.
So while everyone is out there celebrating the Olympic medal, I sit infront of my computer with mixed reaction. I should be happy that Singapore finally won a medal after 48 years. But I just couldn’t feel the pride and glory. In fact, I feel sad because we will start having the mentality of getting new migrants to help us in sports.
Congrats to Li Jiawei, Wang Yuegu and Feng Tianwei for winning the Silver Medal. But sorry, I don’t know how to celebrate your victory.
The guy wrote this ..
This becomes a precedent that the foreign talent scheme works. It will be the model case study for all future cases. And the Singapore Sport Council will have more ammo in terms of money to get more foreign talents to Singapore. Forget about grooming the locals. Why invest in such a big risk? Just go buy another athletes from elsewhere to help us win. Besides, other countries are doing that too. So why not Singapore?
Yes, the Foreign Talent Scheme works in the sense that it does bring us an Olympic medal. But it kills the entire local sporting scene. How do we groom local athletes when all we think about is to bring foreign talents in to help us win? How do the local athletes gain international competition exposure when we always send foreign talents oversea? How do we motivate our local athletes when all the media attention are on the foreign talents? Who will dare to send their child to the Sport School when there is a high chance that we will bring in a foreign talent to replace them if they don’t perform up to standard?
We are only interested in the results. Not the process in getting the results. It doesn’t matter who gets the medal. You don’t need to be a local. You don’t need to stay in Singapore for long. You don’t need to speak with a Singapore acent. You don’t need to know the Singapore history. You don’t need to understand Singapore culture. You can even drag the Singapore flag on the floor for the world to see. So long as you get the medal under Singapore flag, the rest doesn’t matter.
This is the sad state of Singapore sporting scene. And it will remain this way until someone wakes up from the medal chasing dream. It’s not about medal. It’s about representation. It’s about national identity. And this foreign talent scheme is eroding our national identity, if there is any to begin with.
So while everyone is out there celebrating the Olympic medal, I sit infront of my computer with mixed reaction. I should be happy that Singapore finally won a medal after 48 years. But I just couldn’t feel the pride and glory. In fact, I feel sad because we will start having the mentality of getting new migrants to help us in sports.
Congrats to Li Jiawei, Wang Yuegu and Feng Tianwei for winning the Silver Medal. But sorry, I don’t know how to celebrate your victory.
Life in the Olympics Season
It is 420am in the morning. While most of you has fallen asleep, I am still awake. Been thinking a lot lately, about everything. Before I share more about what I have been thinking, I want you to know that, no drama. It is very easy, when someone share things about life, many will go like, he must have gone through some tough time, or something drama must have happened etc.
Frankly, for those who understand what I am talking about, if you are like me, who love to stop and think once in awhile, while we go on living our lives, this is a natural process .. for when one thinks, he is living.
Someone who has stopped thinking, is someone who has stopped living.
So life has been great, just that at this stage of my life, I have been thinking alot about what I should do next, what is the next wall for me to climb, what is the next project for me to embark. They are all good I believe.
Been watching a lot of the olympics. I have witnessed a lot of great moments. At every victory ceremony, I think about achievement. What i have accomplished so far, what else I can do.
I share this with a numboy recently.
"What have you achieved in your life so far?" I asked.
"Is there any moment in your life, when you laugh, the whole world laugh with you, when you cry, the whole world cry with you? I asked again.
We witnessed this again and again and again the last 10 days of our lives.
Behind every victory, we know well there has been much efforts put in.
So the olympics give me a lot of encouragement to work harder, to plan further, to see beyond .. for victory goes to people who have put in a lot of hard work.
I have been following a lot of arguments over the Singapore table tennis team
..... whether they used to be a Chinese citizens, now Singaporeans, this is not important at all.
The only issue I worried about was, if Singapore wins, will the girls know how to sing the Singapore National Anthem? When the camera zoom in on their face, will they be singing proudly the Singapore national anthem like others did? I was almost worried, during the victory ceremoney, when China anthem was playing, will that be a more familiar national anthem for all the 3 of them ?
The greatest moment in any olympics game is not about winning only, those moment at the victory ceremony, every single time I watched, the proudest moment for any athlete is, when your national anthem sounded, they sang along with the crowd proudly. That alone is enough to send people to tears.
So if Singapore wins, will they sing along proudly too? I wonder.
It is 430am in the morning, when everyone else is asleep, this is the best time to reflect,
Frankly, for those who understand what I am talking about, if you are like me, who love to stop and think once in awhile, while we go on living our lives, this is a natural process .. for when one thinks, he is living.
Someone who has stopped thinking, is someone who has stopped living.
So life has been great, just that at this stage of my life, I have been thinking alot about what I should do next, what is the next wall for me to climb, what is the next project for me to embark. They are all good I believe.
Been watching a lot of the olympics. I have witnessed a lot of great moments. At every victory ceremony, I think about achievement. What i have accomplished so far, what else I can do.
I share this with a numboy recently.
"What have you achieved in your life so far?" I asked.
"Is there any moment in your life, when you laugh, the whole world laugh with you, when you cry, the whole world cry with you? I asked again.
We witnessed this again and again and again the last 10 days of our lives.
Behind every victory, we know well there has been much efforts put in.
So the olympics give me a lot of encouragement to work harder, to plan further, to see beyond .. for victory goes to people who have put in a lot of hard work.
I have been following a lot of arguments over the Singapore table tennis team
..... whether they used to be a Chinese citizens, now Singaporeans, this is not important at all.
The only issue I worried about was, if Singapore wins, will the girls know how to sing the Singapore National Anthem? When the camera zoom in on their face, will they be singing proudly the Singapore national anthem like others did? I was almost worried, during the victory ceremoney, when China anthem was playing, will that be a more familiar national anthem for all the 3 of them ?
The greatest moment in any olympics game is not about winning only, those moment at the victory ceremony, every single time I watched, the proudest moment for any athlete is, when your national anthem sounded, they sang along with the crowd proudly. That alone is enough to send people to tears.
So if Singapore wins, will they sing along proudly too? I wonder.
It is 430am in the morning, when everyone else is asleep, this is the best time to reflect,
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
When Does a Difference Matter?
It is very tiring to keep hearing people talking about respect. It is tiring because we talk so much and keep talking, nothing seems to be have done enough. So I went search for something to express my thoughts. I found this.
When does a Difference Matter?
When we are young, it does not matter. So why does it matter when we are older?
When does a Difference Matter?
When we are young, it does not matter. So why does it matter when we are older?
Monday, August 4, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Been travelling quite a bit the last 3 weeks. So could not really sit down, find time to pen a few notes.
Anyone who are into backpacking and travelling will agree that noone will move around the world and yet has nothing to write. So I will share a bit when i get back home ...
Anyone who are into backpacking and travelling will agree that noone will move around the world and yet has nothing to write. So I will share a bit when i get back home ...
Friday, July 18, 2008
One week This week and Next
Halo .. been held up by work for about a week. Could not find the right time and "mood" to pen a few things. This is life isn't it? ca't be anyone with proper life living, can have life so systemiatic that you can do everything according to your plan all the time.
Of course, anyone interesting, the life must also be as dynamic. So I am living good, in case those who have been reading this blog, and can't find much about what I am doing the last one week.
KL trip was good. Partly, it was a rest for me, of course mainly for work, we visited the city to explore ... MMmmm ... will there be any good news for Malaysian, we will see.
Flying again tomorrow, this time round, I will be about a week away. But i am very sure, I can find time to write in my hotel room ...
How are you today?
Of course, anyone interesting, the life must also be as dynamic. So I am living good, in case those who have been reading this blog, and can't find much about what I am doing the last one week.
KL trip was good. Partly, it was a rest for me, of course mainly for work, we visited the city to explore ... MMmmm ... will there be any good news for Malaysian, we will see.
Flying again tomorrow, this time round, I will be about a week away. But i am very sure, I can find time to write in my hotel room ...
How are you today?
Thursday, July 10, 2008
A message from Vincent
Woke up this morning and found a sms message from Vincent.
Mornin shenzi. I'm goin in army today. Just wanna drop u a last sms to u. Thanks for ur help. U helped me all way until today. Cant bear to leave u and everything behind for a new change but i noe i have to. Just appreciate all the time u spend coachin me and e effort to ensure i learn e best thing in life. Hope to see u in e future. And i wish u all e best in life. Take care.
More than 2.5 years ago, when Vincent walked into CLM, I was happened to be in the store. I still remember the very first thing he said .... "This is a cool place, I want to work in this shop. are you guys employing?" ......
Mornin shenzi. I'm goin in army today. Just wanna drop u a last sms to u. Thanks for ur help. U helped me all way until today. Cant bear to leave u and everything behind for a new change but i noe i have to. Just appreciate all the time u spend coachin me and e effort to ensure i learn e best thing in life. Hope to see u in e future. And i wish u all e best in life. Take care.
More than 2.5 years ago, when Vincent walked into CLM, I was happened to be in the store. I still remember the very first thing he said .... "This is a cool place, I want to work in this shop. are you guys employing?" ......
You test this Out.

Lets discuss this.
When any lab mixed and matched their chemical to form a fragrance, anything created for the women, the aim is to attract the men. Likewise, anything for the men, the main aim is to attract the women. Of course, unless they are targetting the alternatives.
If this is true. A man should prefer the smell of the female perfume than a male one. And when a man buys his perfume, it is logical that, he will pick up female frangrance for himself, which unless he depends solely on his visible logical mindset that, what is designed for a women, a man can't buy.
So i did a test today with DKNY delicious, there is a higher percentage of guys actually prefer the smell of the female collection ..... So what should we men buy now?
When any lab mixed and matched their chemical to form a fragrance, anything created for the women, the aim is to attract the men. Likewise, anything for the men, the main aim is to attract the women. Of course, unless they are targetting the alternatives.
If this is true. A man should prefer the smell of the female perfume than a male one. And when a man buys his perfume, it is logical that, he will pick up female frangrance for himself, which unless he depends solely on his visible logical mindset that, what is designed for a women, a man can't buy.
So i did a test today with DKNY delicious, there is a higher percentage of guys actually prefer the smell of the female collection ..... So what should we men buy now?
A Letter from Wilson
Wilson wrote me an email today. I never know that one who is quiet can say so much and has got so much to say. My pleasure really, to have the chance to work with all these fine young men. I hope that each and everyone of them, with what they have learnt here, will eventually bring success to their own lives.
Dear Shenzi,
As I'm packing my bag for a new phase of life tomorrow, I'm looking back on the good days I had with NUM.
I could vividly remember how I got into NUM. Since it was my first retail job, I was really afraid I couldn't live up to the expectations of it. I never walked into any of the shops in my life before I got recruited, and my impression of the company as Victor had described was that everyone was very fun. In the end, I almost blew it all in my first interview as well, as I thought I was only required to provide my details and presto, I'm in! Fortunately, I managed to regain my composure, thanks to Colin as well, who tried to guide me along.
In NUM, everyday is not only about learning how to serve customers or doing stocks. It is a learning experience in life. I believe all of the ambassadors will agree that none of them leave with nothing valuable. For me, I was hardly able to communicate to anyone at first, and naturally, promoting stuff was a bother. What I later learnt is that the selling tactics of NUM was totally different, and more agreeable with me. Again, I must thank Colin, 'cos the amount of stuff he taught, is enough to trigger my interest in sales and fashion.
Through NUM, you also get to experience a different form of culture that you'll rarely experience from other jobs: working in an all-guys enviroment. Ok, I'm not trying to be sexist, but I feel that NUM is so successful is because guys are less prone to having conflicts with each other for a long time. We can usually iron out problems face to face, and that is why there aren't any civil wars at all. No offence to Mooks alright. I think we have sort of influenced them with this too. heehee.
The most valuable stuff you gain when you walk out of NUM is the friendships forged in this period of time. I guess this is needless to explain right? Many friends = A lot of love, even if you don't have a girlfriend. :D
Of course, how can I forget to thank you so much for opening another path to me in my life. I always love the inspirational quotes and lessons you have about life, not to mention I keep some of the emails from NCC to refer back when I'm down. Continue to update your blog alright? I'm a avid reader and its really interesting. Thank you for being such a good teacher and please continue to inspire more people in years to come!
It has been a pleasant and unforgettable experience for me in NUM. I am proud to have been a NUM ambassador. Till then, I wish you success and all the things you want to do, and maybe we'll see NUM going overseas soon?
Dear Shenzi,
As I'm packing my bag for a new phase of life tomorrow, I'm looking back on the good days I had with NUM.
I could vividly remember how I got into NUM. Since it was my first retail job, I was really afraid I couldn't live up to the expectations of it. I never walked into any of the shops in my life before I got recruited, and my impression of the company as Victor had described was that everyone was very fun. In the end, I almost blew it all in my first interview as well, as I thought I was only required to provide my details and presto, I'm in! Fortunately, I managed to regain my composure, thanks to Colin as well, who tried to guide me along.
In NUM, everyday is not only about learning how to serve customers or doing stocks. It is a learning experience in life. I believe all of the ambassadors will agree that none of them leave with nothing valuable. For me, I was hardly able to communicate to anyone at first, and naturally, promoting stuff was a bother. What I later learnt is that the selling tactics of NUM was totally different, and more agreeable with me. Again, I must thank Colin, 'cos the amount of stuff he taught, is enough to trigger my interest in sales and fashion.
Through NUM, you also get to experience a different form of culture that you'll rarely experience from other jobs: working in an all-guys enviroment. Ok, I'm not trying to be sexist, but I feel that NUM is so successful is because guys are less prone to having conflicts with each other for a long time. We can usually iron out problems face to face, and that is why there aren't any civil wars at all. No offence to Mooks alright. I think we have sort of influenced them with this too. heehee.
The most valuable stuff you gain when you walk out of NUM is the friendships forged in this period of time. I guess this is needless to explain right? Many friends = A lot of love, even if you don't have a girlfriend. :D
Of course, how can I forget to thank you so much for opening another path to me in my life. I always love the inspirational quotes and lessons you have about life, not to mention I keep some of the emails from NCC to refer back when I'm down. Continue to update your blog alright? I'm a avid reader and its really interesting. Thank you for being such a good teacher and please continue to inspire more people in years to come!
It has been a pleasant and unforgettable experience for me in NUM. I am proud to have been a NUM ambassador. Till then, I wish you success and all the things you want to do, and maybe we'll see NUM going overseas soon?
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Not Everything in Life ...
While performing guard duty one day last year, a soldier stole a rifle, five rounds of ammunition and bullets, intended to attack his ex-girlfriend, later got caught in a toilet on the third floor of Cathay Cineleisure Orchard.
Today, the judge sentenced him to a 9 years and 2 month's jail and 18 strokes of the cane.
What the judge said to him touched me greatly. Recalling the same emotion I felt when i sent a group of guys to the police 1.5 years ago ...
Justice Tay Yong Kwang says:
'MY HEART hurts for you that so young a man will have to spend some of the best years of his life in prison and have to undergo so many strokes of the cane, but I trust that you understand a deterrent sentence is unavoidable in the circumstances.
Dave, you have had a very hard life. I hope that this unfortunate and traumatic wrong turn in your life will make you much more mature and a whole lot wiser and that you will spend the next few years reconstructing your young life.
I hope that you will pursue your studies, listen to good advice from counsellors and learn many skills while in prison and that, upon your release, you will have a life full of meaning and purpose to honour the memory of your grandmother and your beloved younger brother.
It has been written, 'To everything there is a season'. There was a time when you loved, there came a time when you hated. There was a time when you felt you wanted to kill, now is the time for you to heal. There was a time you were broken down, now is the time to build yourself up. There was a time when you were at war in your being, now is the time to restore peace within.'
Not everything in life there is a second chance, I always say this to many NUMguys. When this happens, one got to do what one got to do, so with all the many reminders given, we wish noone will have to go through this.
Today, the judge sentenced him to a 9 years and 2 month's jail and 18 strokes of the cane.
What the judge said to him touched me greatly. Recalling the same emotion I felt when i sent a group of guys to the police 1.5 years ago ...
Justice Tay Yong Kwang says:
'MY HEART hurts for you that so young a man will have to spend some of the best years of his life in prison and have to undergo so many strokes of the cane, but I trust that you understand a deterrent sentence is unavoidable in the circumstances.
Dave, you have had a very hard life. I hope that this unfortunate and traumatic wrong turn in your life will make you much more mature and a whole lot wiser and that you will spend the next few years reconstructing your young life.
I hope that you will pursue your studies, listen to good advice from counsellors and learn many skills while in prison and that, upon your release, you will have a life full of meaning and purpose to honour the memory of your grandmother and your beloved younger brother.
It has been written, 'To everything there is a season'. There was a time when you loved, there came a time when you hated. There was a time when you felt you wanted to kill, now is the time for you to heal. There was a time you were broken down, now is the time to build yourself up. There was a time when you were at war in your being, now is the time to restore peace within.'
Not everything in life there is a second chance, I always say this to many NUMguys. When this happens, one got to do what one got to do, so with all the many reminders given, we wish noone will have to go through this.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Scandalender August issue Shoot
I did not have enough time to do a good shoot for Alfred the last month, so this coming issue of Scandalendar photo shoot, I decided to spend more time with Han Long and Shukri. Just half an hour before the meeting, it was raining, so I was almost giving up hope to probably postpone it to another day already, when they both arrived, we saw the rain stop and the sky turned sunny. Thank God.
I was in the water the whole time in order to capture the right angle and at the time time, I want to make this coming series more fun and sunny.
I took about near 400 pictures, really a lot, and we have got a lot of good photos this time round.
Be ready to pick up the next Scandalendar within 2 weeks ...
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Dinner with Lawrence and Willen was like breathing a fresh air for me. Both were once my housemate, many years ago. In between then and now, we have been spending time, building our lives, career, self, which is good. When we occasionally make time to catch up, we have a lot more than just gym, club etc to share.
Good to know that Lawrence will be taking up a UN job in Beijing soon, that also means I will be visiting BJ within the next one year.
Willen is still doing well in MS.
@@@ We had our coffee and dessert at a Japanese Restaurant at the ground level of Central. If you have not been there, that is a cool place with nice food they serve.@@@
We chatted about a number of things. Above all else, we spoke about retirement. Ha! 3 30 year old fellos planning our retirement, so we spoke about where, how, when and how much of course.
More importantly, we shared about what do we want to do when the day comes? I have big plan, Lawrence just want to run his own small little cafe, Willen is still looking for a irection for himself.
From now til then, I am sure I have a lot more to do. My 2010 plan for the company is still intact, so that will also direct where i will be, and what i will be working on by 2010.
Good to know that Lawrence will be taking up a UN job in Beijing soon, that also means I will be visiting BJ within the next one year.
Willen is still doing well in MS.
@@@ We had our coffee and dessert at a Japanese Restaurant at the ground level of Central. If you have not been there, that is a cool place with nice food they serve.@@@
We chatted about a number of things. Above all else, we spoke about retirement. Ha! 3 30 year old fellos planning our retirement, so we spoke about where, how, when and how much of course.
More importantly, we shared about what do we want to do when the day comes? I have big plan, Lawrence just want to run his own small little cafe, Willen is still looking for a irection for himself.
From now til then, I am sure I have a lot more to do. My 2010 plan for the company is still intact, so that will also direct where i will be, and what i will be working on by 2010.
Today ...
Today I recalled, learnt and heard a few things.
One: Everyone should be responsible for his own life, his own achievement and how far he can stretch and reach, noone else should be responsible for that at all.
Two: One should only work with people who share the same vision with. Especially top management team members, it is very important to pick only people who can follow and execute your vision. If they cannot help you achieve your vision. Replace them soonest.
Three: Apparently one President of a US MNC, who recently left his role, has been constantly screaming and scolding at his people, for being "stupid", for not being able to meet his expectation.
Four: There is no such thing as having too high a standard. Others who cant meet your standard, they are just not competent.
Five: No matter how high one climb, there is an important need to keep a few close friends.
Six: People who seek reward even before they prove their own worth, will never be good enough to be rewarded.
One: Everyone should be responsible for his own life, his own achievement and how far he can stretch and reach, noone else should be responsible for that at all.
Two: One should only work with people who share the same vision with. Especially top management team members, it is very important to pick only people who can follow and execute your vision. If they cannot help you achieve your vision. Replace them soonest.
Three: Apparently one President of a US MNC, who recently left his role, has been constantly screaming and scolding at his people, for being "stupid", for not being able to meet his expectation.
Four: There is no such thing as having too high a standard. Others who cant meet your standard, they are just not competent.
Five: No matter how high one climb, there is an important need to keep a few close friends.
Six: People who seek reward even before they prove their own worth, will never be good enough to be rewarded.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
A Letter from Leslie
Other than many things we have gone through together, Leslie is one who got the most scolding from me, but in many ways he sticked himself closely for a long time ...
Hi Shenzi, i would like to take this chance to thank you again.
Many things will not be possible if i wasn't selected to be part of the NUM family 2 years and 3 months ago.
I still remember when i was filling up my 2nd application form at main, you instantly remembered that you interviewed me before and asked me,"i don't need you to fill the form again. when can you work?"
The next thing i know, i was called for training, the first mass recuitment cum first training conducted by yourself.
It was a memorable experience because i doubt any of the ambassador had the chance to be trained by you.
Along the way, i've been wilful with my action and even got into a fight with kevin. When you called us down, i was expecting to get sacked. Instead, you reasoned with us and explained things to us.
All of us always say to have learn so much from you and i feel that without you, without NUM, many of us wouldn't be who we are today. You taught me alot of things, even things that you didn't teach me directly but from your way of working.
Not forgetting those sunday parties, you've opened my eyes to a different aspect of life. Because from these parties, i've learnt what's the meaning of work hard, play harder :p
Speaking of sunday parties, there's this one particular iccident i'm thankful to you. I can still remember it was your birthday and the venue was at attica2. Apparently, some "woman" tried to get me drunk. Well, i think you should know what happened but let's not go into details. she did got me drunk and almost brought me home. You stopped her in time and saved me :) if it wasn't for you, i couldn't imagine what would have happened to me.
I still remember this quote from you, "many things in life, you don't get a second chance." But i know, since day one until now, you've given me a lot of chances to repent and learn from my mistakes.
From my personal view and various working experiences, NUM is run more like a family than an organization. That's why everyone's so close to each other and why NUM is so successful.
I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for the past 2 years odd and i wish all the best to you, calvin, james, and the whole NUM family.
The fat going-to-be-firefighter,
Leslie :)
Hi Shenzi, i would like to take this chance to thank you again.
Many things will not be possible if i wasn't selected to be part of the NUM family 2 years and 3 months ago.
I still remember when i was filling up my 2nd application form at main, you instantly remembered that you interviewed me before and asked me,"i don't need you to fill the form again. when can you work?"
The next thing i know, i was called for training, the first mass recuitment cum first training conducted by yourself.
It was a memorable experience because i doubt any of the ambassador had the chance to be trained by you.
Along the way, i've been wilful with my action and even got into a fight with kevin. When you called us down, i was expecting to get sacked. Instead, you reasoned with us and explained things to us.
All of us always say to have learn so much from you and i feel that without you, without NUM, many of us wouldn't be who we are today. You taught me alot of things, even things that you didn't teach me directly but from your way of working.
Not forgetting those sunday parties, you've opened my eyes to a different aspect of life. Because from these parties, i've learnt what's the meaning of work hard, play harder :p
Speaking of sunday parties, there's this one particular iccident i'm thankful to you. I can still remember it was your birthday and the venue was at attica2. Apparently, some "woman" tried to get me drunk. Well, i think you should know what happened but let's not go into details. she did got me drunk and almost brought me home. You stopped her in time and saved me :) if it wasn't for you, i couldn't imagine what would have happened to me.
I still remember this quote from you, "many things in life, you don't get a second chance." But i know, since day one until now, you've given me a lot of chances to repent and learn from my mistakes.
From my personal view and various working experiences, NUM is run more like a family than an organization. That's why everyone's so close to each other and why NUM is so successful.
I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for the past 2 years odd and i wish all the best to you, calvin, james, and the whole NUM family.
The fat going-to-be-firefighter,
Leslie :)
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Chilaka, Exchange Party
Quite a lot of things happened the last few days.
But this is life isn't it, no matter how good life can be, there will always be moments when things never move the right way.
Frankly, life has been very good. I count myself blessed really, to be able to be where I am today. In fact, a lot of hiccups happened most of the time externally. So I shared with close friends, probably the reason why my life has been well executed, so that I will have it abundant to pull others through. It is a blessing. It has to be.
But with a few downs, there will be a lot of ups too. Therefore, with all these emails coming in, there is a lot of encouragement from without as well. So there is always a lot of energy and motivation to move further.
Kevin, Adam, Vincent and Leslie will be enrolled into NS next week. you know what they told me?
"Shenzi, this wednesday, we want you to join us, go party at Zouk. we have never seen you on Wednesday night!"
"So, you guys want to see me grind is it?"
"Ha Ha. If you go this wednesday, we will go Sunday party with you this week. Exchange !"
"Chilaka, you think this is Christmas gift exchange is it??""
So, we will be partying this week. No choice, they are leaving, I have to give face. But i am more looking forward to the Sunday party than the wedneay. Of cuorse. Ha !
But this is life isn't it, no matter how good life can be, there will always be moments when things never move the right way.
Frankly, life has been very good. I count myself blessed really, to be able to be where I am today. In fact, a lot of hiccups happened most of the time externally. So I shared with close friends, probably the reason why my life has been well executed, so that I will have it abundant to pull others through. It is a blessing. It has to be.
But with a few downs, there will be a lot of ups too. Therefore, with all these emails coming in, there is a lot of encouragement from without as well. So there is always a lot of energy and motivation to move further.
Kevin, Adam, Vincent and Leslie will be enrolled into NS next week. you know what they told me?
"Shenzi, this wednesday, we want you to join us, go party at Zouk. we have never seen you on Wednesday night!"
"So, you guys want to see me grind is it?"
"Ha Ha. If you go this wednesday, we will go Sunday party with you this week. Exchange !"
"Chilaka, you think this is Christmas gift exchange is it??""
So, we will be partying this week. No choice, they are leaving, I have to give face. But i am more looking forward to the Sunday party than the wedneay. Of cuorse. Ha !
A Letter from SK
This one from SK ....
Dear Shenzi,
This is my email for you. Don't send to chowchow kay? Very shy! haha
Firstly, i would like to thank you for letting me in and became a part of your big family,
work is never this fun in my working life! Without even knowing i have already been with the family for 5 ongoing 6month, but I'm leaving so soon. =(
When i first saw the board outside cathay saying NUM is hiring, i was just trying my luck because of my criteria and my "height". but who knows! I manage to get in. =) When colin first message me and ask me to go for the 1st interview, i was very very SHOCKED!
I prepare myself and head down to heeren and I saw those guy who were waiting outside, i hesitated for awhile.
At first i really didnt have the confidence to bring myself into the shop, but my girlfriend dragged me in. It was very very lucky that my girlfriend was with me that time, if not i would have went home without even trying.
That very same night, i stay up the whole night because colin say that we will receive a msg in order to get into the second interview, i waited and waited till around 2plus, feeling dissapointed and told myself that i wouldnt get in already la and so i went to bed.
When i woke up the very next morning, i saw the message from colin! and at that very moment, the feeling is like kena 1st prize toto. haha
During the 5month, i have learnt alot alot! i have never being to a place that working is so much fun! That is 1 of the reason why I'm motivated to work hard. The other reason is because i want to show you what I'm capable of doing because you give me a chance to work in NUM.
Working here is not just because it is fun, but also i enjoy every chilling session with you because every thing you have said is very enlightening. At first i heard people said that being send to work in the flipflop store means you are cui. Really feeling abit dissapointed, But i was thinking, if i cant even sell havaianas, what have i got to sell underwear or bikini. So, selling havaianas now is like a pieces of cake. Selling aussieBum and dugas? I also can!! haha =P
Lastly, I would like to really really thank you once again deep down from my heart!
after my NS, i will definitely joined back and grow with the family!
Dear Shenzi,
This is my email for you. Don't send to chowchow kay? Very shy! haha
Firstly, i would like to thank you for letting me in and became a part of your big family,
work is never this fun in my working life! Without even knowing i have already been with the family for 5 ongoing 6month, but I'm leaving so soon. =(
When i first saw the board outside cathay saying NUM is hiring, i was just trying my luck because of my criteria and my "height". but who knows! I manage to get in. =) When colin first message me and ask me to go for the 1st interview, i was very very SHOCKED!
I prepare myself and head down to heeren and I saw those guy who were waiting outside, i hesitated for awhile.
At first i really didnt have the confidence to bring myself into the shop, but my girlfriend dragged me in. It was very very lucky that my girlfriend was with me that time, if not i would have went home without even trying.
That very same night, i stay up the whole night because colin say that we will receive a msg in order to get into the second interview, i waited and waited till around 2plus, feeling dissapointed and told myself that i wouldnt get in already la and so i went to bed.
When i woke up the very next morning, i saw the message from colin! and at that very moment, the feeling is like kena 1st prize toto. haha
During the 5month, i have learnt alot alot! i have never being to a place that working is so much fun! That is 1 of the reason why I'm motivated to work hard. The other reason is because i want to show you what I'm capable of doing because you give me a chance to work in NUM.
Working here is not just because it is fun, but also i enjoy every chilling session with you because every thing you have said is very enlightening. At first i heard people said that being send to work in the flipflop store means you are cui. Really feeling abit dissapointed, But i was thinking, if i cant even sell havaianas, what have i got to sell underwear or bikini. So, selling havaianas now is like a pieces of cake. Selling aussieBum and dugas? I also can!! haha =P
Lastly, I would like to really really thank you once again deep down from my heart!
after my NS, i will definitely joined back and grow with the family!
A Letter from Chris
A group of NUMguys is leaving us for NS this time round. Quite a number of them, I have spent a great amount of time personally with. We had cool time spent in the outlets, suppers, movies and even parties. So as each of them leaves, a number leaves me a note or two ... it is not just about how well NUM is doing only, it is about how well each and everyone of us is living our lives together that counts greater i think.
This one from Chris ...
Hello Shenzi,
With regards to my last day at NUM on Sunday, I must say that I'm leaving the company with many good memories and experiences. As I leave for National Service like a handful of the other NUMboys, I'd very much like to share a few of the many wonderful moments I've had here in NUM in this email.
I can fondly recall the very first day that I've stepped into the NUM office with an application form in hand, eagerly awaiting my turn for the interview. Looking back, I've never regretted enrolling and being part of this fast-growing company. Though my stay here was barely more than 4 months, however, I've made countless friends from the various NUM outlets as well as developed a sense of belonging to this company and "brotherhood". Being able to meet up and work with boys coming from all woks of tertiary education life, has certainly bestowed me with countless enjoyable working hours in NUM, as all of us enjoyed our fair shares of joy, laughter and sorrows.
Being attached to a small outlet like Cathay, I'm grateful to have enjoyed unity and warmth with all my fellow Cathayans. Eventhough Cathay might seem like a small outlet with few customers, but we've had our fair share of heavy crowds, and that's when we fought hand in hand with each other to deal with these hectic situations. I chose to enrol into NUM for many reasons such as image, branding, products etc. However, the one that stands out most importantly, would be having the opportunity to do what I enjoy best; "Sales and Customer satisfaction". I have always enjoyed serving and interacting with customers, and there is certainly no place better than NUM, which values customer service above everything else. It pleases me personally, as I watch every satisfied customer walking out of the NUM shop with a bag of our product in hand. To me, this is where i seek satisfaction in my working life.
Besides getting job satisfaction, being a part of NUM has also benefited me in many other aspects. Two months back, I was allowed an interview with the NUS business school to pursue a business degree with them. One of the interview question was "Can you name an individual who has succeeded in his business in today's society?" I guess many would reply the names of famous people like warren buffet, bill gates etc, but the first name that came to my mind was "Shenzi, my boss at NewUrbanMale." Then, i was asked to give a reason why I chose this person. I replied, "He established good relations with his employees at ground level, and he never fails to provide the right motivation to his employees, to propel them towards attaining new heights and with the best interests of the company in mind."
After having spent these 4 months meaningfully in NUM, I see myself growing as an individual ready to take on the challenges in life. I've earned a place in NUS, but first, I have to pull through these two years in National Service. As I leave NUM with a heavy heart, I'm proud to look back and say, "I was a NUM ambassador."
"Not everything that counts can be counted. Not everything that can be counted counts."
Thanks for everything Shenzi! I'd hope to be part of this big NUM family again! :)
Warmest Regards,
Christopher Ng
(Once a Cathayan, always a Cathayan...)
This one from Chris ...
Hello Shenzi,
With regards to my last day at NUM on Sunday, I must say that I'm leaving the company with many good memories and experiences. As I leave for National Service like a handful of the other NUMboys, I'd very much like to share a few of the many wonderful moments I've had here in NUM in this email.
I can fondly recall the very first day that I've stepped into the NUM office with an application form in hand, eagerly awaiting my turn for the interview. Looking back, I've never regretted enrolling and being part of this fast-growing company. Though my stay here was barely more than 4 months, however, I've made countless friends from the various NUM outlets as well as developed a sense of belonging to this company and "brotherhood". Being able to meet up and work with boys coming from all woks of tertiary education life, has certainly bestowed me with countless enjoyable working hours in NUM, as all of us enjoyed our fair shares of joy, laughter and sorrows.
Being attached to a small outlet like Cathay, I'm grateful to have enjoyed unity and warmth with all my fellow Cathayans. Eventhough Cathay might seem like a small outlet with few customers, but we've had our fair share of heavy crowds, and that's when we fought hand in hand with each other to deal with these hectic situations. I chose to enrol into NUM for many reasons such as image, branding, products etc. However, the one that stands out most importantly, would be having the opportunity to do what I enjoy best; "Sales and Customer satisfaction". I have always enjoyed serving and interacting with customers, and there is certainly no place better than NUM, which values customer service above everything else. It pleases me personally, as I watch every satisfied customer walking out of the NUM shop with a bag of our product in hand. To me, this is where i seek satisfaction in my working life.
Besides getting job satisfaction, being a part of NUM has also benefited me in many other aspects. Two months back, I was allowed an interview with the NUS business school to pursue a business degree with them. One of the interview question was "Can you name an individual who has succeeded in his business in today's society?" I guess many would reply the names of famous people like warren buffet, bill gates etc, but the first name that came to my mind was "Shenzi, my boss at NewUrbanMale." Then, i was asked to give a reason why I chose this person. I replied, "He established good relations with his employees at ground level, and he never fails to provide the right motivation to his employees, to propel them towards attaining new heights and with the best interests of the company in mind."
After having spent these 4 months meaningfully in NUM, I see myself growing as an individual ready to take on the challenges in life. I've earned a place in NUS, but first, I have to pull through these two years in National Service. As I leave NUM with a heavy heart, I'm proud to look back and say, "I was a NUM ambassador."
"Not everything that counts can be counted. Not everything that can be counted counts."
Thanks for everything Shenzi! I'd hope to be part of this big NUM family again! :)
Warmest Regards,
Christopher Ng
(Once a Cathayan, always a Cathayan...)
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday is about Winning.


I spent the whole weekend under the sun. Probably the most sun I ever had since the last 6 months. So i am now as Chau Tar as Mua Chee, but this is very cool. Finally, I found time to visit the sun again. Ha.
The best thing of all, NUM emerged second in the Inter Corporate Dragon Boat race after winning both races in the heats, with all 3 teams went into the semi finals. So I am feeling damn proud really. I was not rowing, and may not comprehend exactly how they felt like rowing so well, but merely as a part of the company and witnessing the team beating the opponents, it was very shiok indeed.
Last race in November, HP, HP, NUM, this time round HP, NUM, Fitness Health, and the team is happy that we got rid of one HP team this race this time round. 6 more months to go, we are eyeing doing yet better, Regatta, yo! We are Coming !!!
Sunday is not just about partying, it is also about winning. Cheers.
The best thing of all, NUM emerged second in the Inter Corporate Dragon Boat race after winning both races in the heats, with all 3 teams went into the semi finals. So I am feeling damn proud really. I was not rowing, and may not comprehend exactly how they felt like rowing so well, but merely as a part of the company and witnessing the team beating the opponents, it was very shiok indeed.
Last race in November, HP, HP, NUM, this time round HP, NUM, Fitness Health, and the team is happy that we got rid of one HP team this race this time round. 6 more months to go, we are eyeing doing yet better, Regatta, yo! We are Coming !!!
Sunday is not just about partying, it is also about winning. Cheers.
Friday, June 27, 2008
My Pleasure
This year I made a decision to support Republic Poly Dragon Boat Team, and this evening, the whole team came by to pick up their full collection of jersey. When i got back home and I found an email from Andruew .. here it goes.
Hi Shenzi,
On behalf of the entire Republic Polytechnic Dragonboat Team, I would like to express my gratitude by saying Thank You. I know that just by saying the phrase "Thank You" may not be enough, but what I can assure you is that you have given us back hope, determination, power and strength to perserve and push on. I must admit that due to financial difficulties some of my paddlers have, when they heard about the costly sum of money to represent RP in the World Club Crew Championship. They had the fire to win, but they felt that their dreams were being dashed. Bonds between friends were doubt, trust in others began to waiver. However Mr. Shenzi Chua, you have actually brought back the dream, the sponsorship you have given us means so much. I have never work for such a company where the director believes and supports his ambassador's dream.
My team has never been in such a state where everyone is so focused, determined and all out to kill. Few years ago, everyone laughed at us, felt that we were a joke in the fraternity. Sang songs at the starting point to prove their dominance over us. We just kept it calm and composed, waiting for the day to prove them all wrong. We have done it once and we further do it again. We ruled the waters of seletar, and now this weekend the waters of Bedok will be ours for the taking. The jerseys adds on as an additional boost to go for the extra charge, we will prove to all, the Jersey to represent the greatness of NUM and RP. This Sunday, my team will give their all, we will paddle as one, hearing the sounds of the drum being played, feel the waters pass our blades, and draw as hard we can ever possibly can, feeling the surge through our veins. In our minds, the only way we can express our gratitude is the result that we are going to achieve. In life, chances dun come easily, and the chance you have given us gives us the faith. From the bottom of everyone in my team and my heart Thank you for believing in us. Mr Shenzi Chua, you will always be a part of Republic Polytechnic Dragonboat History and someone I would always be in debted too.
Every good team like great individual deserves a chance to be rewarded, i am merely doing my small part to show my support for their efforts. The design I have created for the team, with the tagline "You Will Never Row Alone", i hope I can inspire them to go further.
Hi Shenzi,
On behalf of the entire Republic Polytechnic Dragonboat Team, I would like to express my gratitude by saying Thank You. I know that just by saying the phrase "Thank You" may not be enough, but what I can assure you is that you have given us back hope, determination, power and strength to perserve and push on. I must admit that due to financial difficulties some of my paddlers have, when they heard about the costly sum of money to represent RP in the World Club Crew Championship. They had the fire to win, but they felt that their dreams were being dashed. Bonds between friends were doubt, trust in others began to waiver. However Mr. Shenzi Chua, you have actually brought back the dream, the sponsorship you have given us means so much. I have never work for such a company where the director believes and supports his ambassador's dream.
My team has never been in such a state where everyone is so focused, determined and all out to kill. Few years ago, everyone laughed at us, felt that we were a joke in the fraternity. Sang songs at the starting point to prove their dominance over us. We just kept it calm and composed, waiting for the day to prove them all wrong. We have done it once and we further do it again. We ruled the waters of seletar, and now this weekend the waters of Bedok will be ours for the taking. The jerseys adds on as an additional boost to go for the extra charge, we will prove to all, the Jersey to represent the greatness of NUM and RP. This Sunday, my team will give their all, we will paddle as one, hearing the sounds of the drum being played, feel the waters pass our blades, and draw as hard we can ever possibly can, feeling the surge through our veins. In our minds, the only way we can express our gratitude is the result that we are going to achieve. In life, chances dun come easily, and the chance you have given us gives us the faith. From the bottom of everyone in my team and my heart Thank you for believing in us. Mr Shenzi Chua, you will always be a part of Republic Polytechnic Dragonboat History and someone I would always be in debted too.
Every good team like great individual deserves a chance to be rewarded, i am merely doing my small part to show my support for their efforts. The design I have created for the team, with the tagline "You Will Never Row Alone", i hope I can inspire them to go further.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
No Secret is The Secret
July is approaching and many university students should be getting back to school and the newbies should be busy attending orientation camps.
Hall life is cool, but at the same time, there is non stop activities all days and nights, and could be distracting most of the time. When you are about to calm yourself down to read, someone will knock at your door ...
I received an email asking me what and how i did to balance my university life, when I was an active Hall JCRC main comm member and still did well with my work as a student.
So this is what I replied ..
"There is no secret in life really. Always about balancing oneself, play very hard, work very hard too. The only thing that one must do, is to find your very own strategy. For a hostelite, do not study in your room if you are someone popular and active, hide yourself in the study room or in the library when you want to concentrate on your work, and when you get back to the hall, play all you can.
Due to the vast amount of activities and involvement one may have in the hall, it is very common to feel exhausted, when you feel like it is time to study. If you force yourself to read in that state, you will end up going through the same paragraph again and again. Not only you will feel frustrated, you end up not effective at all.
When you feel tired, go for a nap, wake up fresh to have quality time to go through the school work. When the mind is clear, study time becomes effective, short and sweet.
So there is no secret really. Quality time counts.
One thing I always standby is that no doubt academic excellence is important, all the external activities did contribute a great deal to how i can be where i am today. So by not partcipating in anything, probably will make oneself all work no play, a dull boy."
For all going back to school, study hard. Enjoy.
Hall life is cool, but at the same time, there is non stop activities all days and nights, and could be distracting most of the time. When you are about to calm yourself down to read, someone will knock at your door ...
I received an email asking me what and how i did to balance my university life, when I was an active Hall JCRC main comm member and still did well with my work as a student.
So this is what I replied ..
"There is no secret in life really. Always about balancing oneself, play very hard, work very hard too. The only thing that one must do, is to find your very own strategy. For a hostelite, do not study in your room if you are someone popular and active, hide yourself in the study room or in the library when you want to concentrate on your work, and when you get back to the hall, play all you can.
Due to the vast amount of activities and involvement one may have in the hall, it is very common to feel exhausted, when you feel like it is time to study. If you force yourself to read in that state, you will end up going through the same paragraph again and again. Not only you will feel frustrated, you end up not effective at all.
When you feel tired, go for a nap, wake up fresh to have quality time to go through the school work. When the mind is clear, study time becomes effective, short and sweet.
So there is no secret really. Quality time counts.
One thing I always standby is that no doubt academic excellence is important, all the external activities did contribute a great deal to how i can be where i am today. So by not partcipating in anything, probably will make oneself all work no play, a dull boy."
For all going back to school, study hard. Enjoy.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
What about tomorrow?
If you happen to read my blog. How are you feeling today?
Are you feeling good about your life? Feeling UP? The way we NUM describes anything good and cool. Or you are dragging yourself through the day once again? Has anyone disappointed you today? Or you have lost hope in something? Perhaps to many of us, it is just yet another normal day.
Whatever it is, there is nothing we could do to change a bit of what we have gone through the last 24 hours.
One good friend of mine broke up with his partner last night this time.
Yet another friend of mine, his wife has given birth to a baby boy a few hours ago.
"Finally everything is over." one said.
"I am a father now." the other texted me.
What can a man do? He continues living, breathing, thinking .... one point in time, we all have gone through all these, one way or another ....
What about tomorrow?
Are you feeling good about your life? Feeling UP? The way we NUM describes anything good and cool. Or you are dragging yourself through the day once again? Has anyone disappointed you today? Or you have lost hope in something? Perhaps to many of us, it is just yet another normal day.
Whatever it is, there is nothing we could do to change a bit of what we have gone through the last 24 hours.
One good friend of mine broke up with his partner last night this time.
Yet another friend of mine, his wife has given birth to a baby boy a few hours ago.
"Finally everything is over." one said.
"I am a father now." the other texted me.
What can a man do? He continues living, breathing, thinking .... one point in time, we all have gone through all these, one way or another ....
What about tomorrow?
Monday, June 23, 2008
Guru Says #2
Guru says: "Someone not eager to prove his worth is not to keep. No hunger no results."
Inspiration Looking Forward
A few things inspired me today. Just when I received an email from Ed commenting that it is hard to find people that inspire us these days, which i agreed totally.
I attended a farewell party for Kevin, Vincent and Leslie, whom will be leaving us for NS, and after working in NUM for a good close to 3 years. It is time to bid goodbye, for awhile.
People ask me if I would miss them, of course I will. For most of them, I spent a great deal of my time the last 3 years with, and we have gone through thick and thin building the company to where it is today. At the same time, I feel proud for them, and happy to see them moving on, knowing that they are ready to take on another phase of their lives. Whatever I have shared with them, taught, it is time to put them all in good use, all by themselves.
The emotion is pretty much the same when a father sends his daughter off at the wedding ceremony. Sad that she is no longer a little girl, happy at the same time knowing that she is moving towards another phase of her life. For the better of course.
So I wish them all the best, I know we will continue to stay very close in many ways.
In a week's time, NUM dragon boat team will be racing again. Just like all the races we have had over the last 5 years, we are there to give our best and that many will once again be awed at our cohesiveness and of course our jersey. Then I received this email from one of the rowers. Very inspiring. This is the true value of team work, friendship and sportsmanship really. Win or lose.
It has been a wonderful experience rowing with this team because this team is eager and committed.
For all the months of hard pounding, it has come to this. Hours of preparation yet the moment of that elusive glory lasts no longer than 4 minutes. Even drinking coffee as I would always say to my students takes far longer time. So, for just four or so minutes of our lives, we deserve to honour all our efforts: every bead of perspiration, every twitch of our aching muscle, every gasp of air we desperately took in during our trainings must come down to something worthy come this Saturday and Sunday.
We have about 6 more days to Singapore Dragon Boat Festival '08. Till then, have a good workout to keep the pace going, a good rest to recover from the intense training, a good diet to nourish our exhausted bodies and most importantly of all, have a good MENTAL PREPARATION. The last will bind every ounce of effort we will put in as we surge forward, fearlessly and FEROCIOUSLY during the race.
My maxim: FAST AND FURIOUS on the outside, calm and steady on the inside, signifying a true marriage of Art and Science.
In my calculation, imagination is also key. Let's Imagine and visualise ourselves peeking at every opportunity we have to plunge the paddle down and yank it back with such enormous force during the days leading to this Saturday and Sunday. And, on that day itself, JUST DO IT. The body will manage itself when THE MIND IS READY.
When the command "Are you ready?" is issued, every individual rower will start racing with himself/herself. It's MIND OVER MATTER. Again, FAST AND FURIOUS on the outside, CALM AND STEADY on the inside.
Let's be unrelenting. Let's pursue our course with utmost zeal. Let's fix our steady gaze FAR AND BEYOND THE LAST BUOY. Leave fear aside for we need only COURAGE now. It's JUST FOUR MINUTES OR SO. That's all.
Let's get ready for our hardest tens and the most elegant, swift, jaw-dropping, breath-taking LAST CHARGE.
Surge on NUM to BEYOND the last buoy! The race has already started - don't wait till Saturday or Sunday.
I attended a farewell party for Kevin, Vincent and Leslie, whom will be leaving us for NS, and after working in NUM for a good close to 3 years. It is time to bid goodbye, for awhile.
People ask me if I would miss them, of course I will. For most of them, I spent a great deal of my time the last 3 years with, and we have gone through thick and thin building the company to where it is today. At the same time, I feel proud for them, and happy to see them moving on, knowing that they are ready to take on another phase of their lives. Whatever I have shared with them, taught, it is time to put them all in good use, all by themselves.
The emotion is pretty much the same when a father sends his daughter off at the wedding ceremony. Sad that she is no longer a little girl, happy at the same time knowing that she is moving towards another phase of her life. For the better of course.
So I wish them all the best, I know we will continue to stay very close in many ways.
In a week's time, NUM dragon boat team will be racing again. Just like all the races we have had over the last 5 years, we are there to give our best and that many will once again be awed at our cohesiveness and of course our jersey. Then I received this email from one of the rowers. Very inspiring. This is the true value of team work, friendship and sportsmanship really. Win or lose.
It has been a wonderful experience rowing with this team because this team is eager and committed.
For all the months of hard pounding, it has come to this. Hours of preparation yet the moment of that elusive glory lasts no longer than 4 minutes. Even drinking coffee as I would always say to my students takes far longer time. So, for just four or so minutes of our lives, we deserve to honour all our efforts: every bead of perspiration, every twitch of our aching muscle, every gasp of air we desperately took in during our trainings must come down to something worthy come this Saturday and Sunday.
We have about 6 more days to Singapore Dragon Boat Festival '08. Till then, have a good workout to keep the pace going, a good rest to recover from the intense training, a good diet to nourish our exhausted bodies and most importantly of all, have a good MENTAL PREPARATION. The last will bind every ounce of effort we will put in as we surge forward, fearlessly and FEROCIOUSLY during the race.
My maxim: FAST AND FURIOUS on the outside, calm and steady on the inside, signifying a true marriage of Art and Science.
In my calculation, imagination is also key. Let's Imagine and visualise ourselves peeking at every opportunity we have to plunge the paddle down and yank it back with such enormous force during the days leading to this Saturday and Sunday. And, on that day itself, JUST DO IT. The body will manage itself when THE MIND IS READY.
When the command "Are you ready?" is issued, every individual rower will start racing with himself/herself. It's MIND OVER MATTER. Again, FAST AND FURIOUS on the outside, CALM AND STEADY on the inside.
Let's be unrelenting. Let's pursue our course with utmost zeal. Let's fix our steady gaze FAR AND BEYOND THE LAST BUOY. Leave fear aside for we need only COURAGE now. It's JUST FOUR MINUTES OR SO. That's all.
Let's get ready for our hardest tens and the most elegant, swift, jaw-dropping, breath-taking LAST CHARGE.
Surge on NUM to BEYOND the last buoy! The race has already started - don't wait till Saturday or Sunday.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Wrong Attitude
The president of a big American MNC threw a home party, and invited everybody in the company. Two fresh graduated engineers were at the event.
Both of them were strolling around the pool and the view was awesome and one of them commented.
"I am really jealous!"
"Who? Our president?"
"Ya !"
"Dont you think jealous is a wrong word to use? I'm more inspired by him than feeling anything jealous. He must have worked very hard his way up to where he is today. We just started fresh in our career, we need to work hard at this level, to see a good future the next time. I don't think there is any easy way out."
Both of them were strolling around the pool and the view was awesome and one of them commented.
"I am really jealous!"
"Who? Our president?"
"Ya !"
"Dont you think jealous is a wrong word to use? I'm more inspired by him than feeling anything jealous. He must have worked very hard his way up to where he is today. We just started fresh in our career, we need to work hard at this level, to see a good future the next time. I don't think there is any easy way out."
160cm Playmobil arrived
2 new 160cm playmobil arrived finally, for those who wish to take pics with them, write to me ! They are now standing at the balcony overlooking the pool. :)
Thursday, June 19, 2008
2008 Smurfs Batch One arrived

Today 2008 Smurfs collection batch one arrived, 39 in total, i will expect another half in soon. If you happen to share the same hobby as me, 2 huge playmobil figurines that i placed order will arrive within the next few days. Will share the pic here soon.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Do Not Dwell
Someone met with a serious personal issue, and was crying badly infront of me today.
While i am writing my blog, I am struggling with the fact that how much of what I know should be written publicly here.
I know that this is a personal blog, but how personal a blog diary can be, if it is constantly being read by many, so i realised that there is still a tinge of censorship i need to practise, so that basic trust and order can be put in place still.
I think by now all of us know that bad things do happen to good people, but then again, how good can one be if we are all not perfect beings. So bad things happen to anyone and everyone from time to time.
First thing, do not dwell in self pity right away. Do not get emotional that it clouds away our vision to think.
In times like this, we need to stay focused to pinpoint, which part of the problem can be solved, must be solved, what, how and when, and which area we need to leave it to life and time to bring it to past .....
Talk it loud, think it through.
Powerful people stay positive at all time.
Staying positive does not mean that one does not recognize the emotions and the pain.
What happened has happened, but the faster one gets through the stage the better.
Dwelling in it one more day, loses one more day of happiness.
Lastly, dont assume bad even before it happens. Sometimes we give the devil too much credit.
While i am writing my blog, I am struggling with the fact that how much of what I know should be written publicly here.
I know that this is a personal blog, but how personal a blog diary can be, if it is constantly being read by many, so i realised that there is still a tinge of censorship i need to practise, so that basic trust and order can be put in place still.
I think by now all of us know that bad things do happen to good people, but then again, how good can one be if we are all not perfect beings. So bad things happen to anyone and everyone from time to time.
First thing, do not dwell in self pity right away. Do not get emotional that it clouds away our vision to think.
In times like this, we need to stay focused to pinpoint, which part of the problem can be solved, must be solved, what, how and when, and which area we need to leave it to life and time to bring it to past .....
Talk it loud, think it through.
Powerful people stay positive at all time.
Staying positive does not mean that one does not recognize the emotions and the pain.
What happened has happened, but the faster one gets through the stage the better.
Dwelling in it one more day, loses one more day of happiness.
Lastly, dont assume bad even before it happens. Sometimes we give the devil too much credit.
HERE by Paul Monette
everything extraneous has burned away
this is how burning feels in the fall
of the final year not like leaves in a blue
October but as if the skin were a paper lantern
full of trapped moths beating their fired wings
and yet i can lie on this hill just above you
a foot beside where I will lie myself
soon soon and for all the wrack and blubber
feel still how we were warriors when the
merest morning sun in the garden was a
kingdom after Room 1010 war is not all
death it turns out war is what little
thing you hold on to refugeed and far from home
oh sweetie will you please forgive me this
that every time I opened a box of anything
Glad Bags One-A-Days KINGSIZE was
the worst I'd think will you still be here
when the box is empty Rog Rog who will
play boy with me now that I bucket with tears
through it all when i'd cling beside you sobbing
you'd shurg it off with the quietest I'm still
here I have your watch in the top drawer
which I don't dare wear yet help me please
the boxes grocery home day after day
the junk that keeps men spotless but it doesn't
matter now how long they last or I
the day has taken you with it and all
there is now is burning dark that only green
is up by the grave and this little thing
of telling the hill I'm here oh I'm here
One of the best poems I have ever read, written by Paul Monette to his partner Roger Horwitz
everything extraneous has burned away
this is how burning feels in the fall
of the final year not like leaves in a blue
October but as if the skin were a paper lantern
full of trapped moths beating their fired wings
and yet i can lie on this hill just above you
a foot beside where I will lie myself
soon soon and for all the wrack and blubber
feel still how we were warriors when the
merest morning sun in the garden was a
kingdom after Room 1010 war is not all
death it turns out war is what little
thing you hold on to refugeed and far from home
oh sweetie will you please forgive me this
that every time I opened a box of anything
Glad Bags One-A-Days KINGSIZE was
the worst I'd think will you still be here
when the box is empty Rog Rog who will
play boy with me now that I bucket with tears
through it all when i'd cling beside you sobbing
you'd shurg it off with the quietest I'm still
here I have your watch in the top drawer
which I don't dare wear yet help me please
the boxes grocery home day after day
the junk that keeps men spotless but it doesn't
matter now how long they last or I
the day has taken you with it and all
there is now is burning dark that only green
is up by the grave and this little thing
of telling the hill I'm here oh I'm here
One of the best poems I have ever read, written by Paul Monette to his partner Roger Horwitz
Monday, June 16, 2008
One question came to mind yesterday, when I was reading through the newspaper report. The article says that superman is too perfect a character for many to like now. The mass love people with flaws, so we love to see super heros get vulnerable at time. So the question is, when superman becomes helpless, who is his God? Where he got his strength from?
I spent more time at home yesterday. More than any other sundays that I have the last 5 years of my life. I packed a bit of my CD collection, and found one of my favourite discs, I got a song to bring me past the day ... as i said Sunday is fabulous for many reasons. One of them is this.
I Will Sing
Artist - Don Moen
Lord You seem so far away.
A million miles or more it feels today.
And though I haven't lost my faith, I must confess right now that it's hard for me to pray.
But I don't know what to say and I don't know where to start.
But as you give the grace with all that's in my heart.
I will sing. I will praise,
even in my darkest hour through the sorrow and the pain.
I will sing. I will praise.
Lift my hands to honor You because Your word is true.
I will sing.
Lord its hard for me to see all the thought and plans You have for me.
But I will put my trust in You.
Knowing that you died to set me free.
But I don't know what to say and I don't know where to start.
But as you give the grace with all that's in my heart.
I will sing. I will praise,
even in my darkest hour through the sorrow and the pain.
I will sing. I will praise.
Lift my hands to honor You because Your word is true.
I will sing.
I don't know what Superman's religion is, but i hope it can be anything else but himself.
And it is true, no matter how influential, powerful, strong a man can be, he is beautiful when he is willing to be vulnerable at time, this makes him more real. We men can't just keep putting up the strong front all the time right?
I spent more time at home yesterday. More than any other sundays that I have the last 5 years of my life. I packed a bit of my CD collection, and found one of my favourite discs, I got a song to bring me past the day ... as i said Sunday is fabulous for many reasons. One of them is this.
I Will Sing
Artist - Don Moen
Lord You seem so far away.
A million miles or more it feels today.
And though I haven't lost my faith, I must confess right now that it's hard for me to pray.
But I don't know what to say and I don't know where to start.
But as you give the grace with all that's in my heart.
I will sing. I will praise,
even in my darkest hour through the sorrow and the pain.
I will sing. I will praise.
Lift my hands to honor You because Your word is true.
I will sing.
Lord its hard for me to see all the thought and plans You have for me.
But I will put my trust in You.
Knowing that you died to set me free.
But I don't know what to say and I don't know where to start.
But as you give the grace with all that's in my heart.
I will sing. I will praise,
even in my darkest hour through the sorrow and the pain.
I will sing. I will praise.
Lift my hands to honor You because Your word is true.
I will sing.
I don't know what Superman's religion is, but i hope it can be anything else but himself.
And it is true, no matter how influential, powerful, strong a man can be, he is beautiful when he is willing to be vulnerable at time, this makes him more real. We men can't just keep putting up the strong front all the time right?
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Not all need it 100%
A couple was at the verge of falling out, one party asked
"I love you so much, why you don't seem to appreciate? I have given you my all 100%"
"You gave me 100%, but what I need is only 70%."
"and .. what happened to the 30%?"
"The 30% turned into a pressure for me!"
In any relationship, it is not about how much we give, it is whether the expectations of both parties matched or not. Anything more or anything less, just will not work out right.
Then again, many who believe that they have given their 100%, often than not are selfish lovers, who see more of their own needs and not the others. One's willingness to give it all, must not expect the other party to accept all. That is not a right.
"I love you so much, why you don't seem to appreciate? I have given you my all 100%"
"You gave me 100%, but what I need is only 70%."
"and .. what happened to the 30%?"
"The 30% turned into a pressure for me!"
In any relationship, it is not about how much we give, it is whether the expectations of both parties matched or not. Anything more or anything less, just will not work out right.
Then again, many who believe that they have given their 100%, often than not are selfish lovers, who see more of their own needs and not the others. One's willingness to give it all, must not expect the other party to accept all. That is not a right.
VJC Opening Speech
I was invited back to give the opening speech for VJC's annual music festival, this is what I said ..
Good evening Victoria Junior College,
Mr Chan Poh Meng, principal,
Mr Fong, vice-principal,
teachers, students and distinguished guests.
I feel very good today not just because I got the chance to step into Victoria Junior College once again ever since my graduation, but I am also very honored to be giving the opening speech to our very own annual Music Festival 2008.
Just like Victoria Junior College school’s motto of outstanding, outperforming and out having fun, As a director of, I make sure that everyone there works hard and play hard too. It is my philosophy to strike a balance in life.
I have always believed that a great student should not just be academically inclined, but also one who finds balance in both work and pleasure. Only through certain balances in life can one be inspired, motivated and also be creative enough to take on greater things in life.
I remember when I was a student here, I spent a great deal of my time in this campus. I was very involved in the Outdoor Activities Club, and often got to stay overnight just to make sure that the team spend enough time building the rapport, at the same time making sure that every task given was completed to a job well done.
Frankly it was not the academic part of it that left the strongest memory of this place. It was all the crazy things that I have done with my friends, class mates, team mates that formed my very own VJC experience that I still remember to date.
Music and arts like fashion are important aspects in my life. Where I am today is a built up from various experiences which I’ve gotten through relationships, travels, movies and of course, music. Like I’ve mentioned, a good student is one who owns the passion and drive and live life to the fullest.
And by saying these, I will like to end my speech by saying that all of us are students of life itself.
I hope you would enjoy the next few hours of this Music Festival and I hereby announce the opening to a better journey ahead of you.
Good evening Victoria Junior College,
Mr Chan Poh Meng, principal,
Mr Fong, vice-principal,
teachers, students and distinguished guests.
I feel very good today not just because I got the chance to step into Victoria Junior College once again ever since my graduation, but I am also very honored to be giving the opening speech to our very own annual Music Festival 2008.
Just like Victoria Junior College school’s motto of outstanding, outperforming and out having fun, As a director of, I make sure that everyone there works hard and play hard too. It is my philosophy to strike a balance in life.
I have always believed that a great student should not just be academically inclined, but also one who finds balance in both work and pleasure. Only through certain balances in life can one be inspired, motivated and also be creative enough to take on greater things in life.
I remember when I was a student here, I spent a great deal of my time in this campus. I was very involved in the Outdoor Activities Club, and often got to stay overnight just to make sure that the team spend enough time building the rapport, at the same time making sure that every task given was completed to a job well done.
Frankly it was not the academic part of it that left the strongest memory of this place. It was all the crazy things that I have done with my friends, class mates, team mates that formed my very own VJC experience that I still remember to date.
Music and arts like fashion are important aspects in my life. Where I am today is a built up from various experiences which I’ve gotten through relationships, travels, movies and of course, music. Like I’ve mentioned, a good student is one who owns the passion and drive and live life to the fullest.
And by saying these, I will like to end my speech by saying that all of us are students of life itself.
I hope you would enjoy the next few hours of this Music Festival and I hereby announce the opening to a better journey ahead of you.
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